Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research The sociogenesis of leisure travel Dr Ksenia Kirillova Hong Kong 1/6/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research A review of research on tourism demand forecasting: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on tourism demand forecasting Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Commodification and perceived authenticity in commercial homes Dr Honggen Xiao Hong Kong 26/5/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Estimating willingness to pay air passenger duty Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 14/7/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Tourism productivity and economic growth Dr Doris Wu China 5/1/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Operations Research A comprehensive multi-objective mixed integer nonlinear programming model for an integrated elderly care service districting problem Professor Lijun Ma China 16/10/2018
Sciences, Social American Behavioral Scientist Foundations in China: From Statist to Corporatist Professor Kinman Chan Hong Kong 5/2/2018
Sciences, Social Ageing & Society Contradictory and consistent views on designing an inclusive community-based centre for older people: a mixed-methods study of different age groups in China Ms Yuanhong Ma Hong Kong 5/3/2019
Psychology Acta Psychologica The role of personality traits and need for cognition in active procrastination Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 22/7/2019
Psychology Addictive Behaviors Recovery of cognitive functioning following abstinence from ketamine Prof. WK TANG Hong Kong 8/7/2019
Sciences, Social Accident Analysis & Prevention Risks to pedestrians in traffic systems with unfamiliar driving rules: a virtual reality approach Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 30/4/2020
Sciences, Social Across Languages and Cultures A polysystemist’s response to prescriptive cultural relativism and postcolonialism Professor Nam-fung Chang Hong Kong 6/1/2017
Sciences, Social Accident Analysis & Prevention Temporal patterns of driving fatigue and driving performance among male taxi drivers in Hong Kong: A driving simulator approach Professor SC Wong    Hong Kong 25/1/2019
Sciences, Life Zookeys Trapdoor spiders of the genus Cyclocosmia Ausserer, 1871 from China and Vietnam (Araneae, Ctenizidae) Professor Daiqin Li China 6/1/2017
Sciences, Medical World Journal of Psychiatry Catatonia as a putative nosological entity: A historical sketch Professor Gabor Ungvari   Australia 22/9/2017
Sciences, Medical World Journal of Psychiatry Electroconvulsive therapy: 80 years old and still going strong Professor Gabor Ungvari Australia 4/1/2019
Sciences, Life World Development Trade liberalization and the health of working-age adults: Evidence from China Prof. Jin Feng China 17/12/2020
Sciences, Medical World Journal of Gastroenterology Total polysaccharides of the Sijunzi decoction attenuate tumor necrosis factor-α-induced damage to the barrier function of a Caco-2 cell monolayer via the nuclear factor-κB-myosin light chain kinase-myosin light chain pathway Ms Yue Lu China 14/7/2018
Sciences, Life Water Research New insights into antibiotic resistome in drinking water and management perspectives: A metagenomic based study of small-sized microbes Dr Liping Ma Hong Kong 14/1/2019
Sciences, Life Virulence Differential expression of virulence genes in Legionella pneumophila growing in Acanthamoeba and human monocytes Dr Polly Leung Hong Kong 4/10/2017
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