Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Asian Ethnicity Being a herder in contemporary Mongolia: Nomadic identity and nationhood building at school Dr Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 3/7/2019
Sciences, Social Asian Ethnicity Understanding Chinese immigrants in Africa from the perspective of national identity Ms Zhihang Wang China 11/7/2018
Sciences, Social Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Social insurance participation among rural migrants in reform era China Ms Yuling Wu China 11/2/2018
Sciences, Social Asian and Pacific Migration Journal The structure of unemployment risk perception among migrant workers in China: An exploratory mixed methods study Mr. Alan Zheng Ai-Xiang China 6/3/2021
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Viewpoint Situating animal ethics in Thai elephant tourism Dr. Qingming Cui  China 10/10/2019
Sciences, Social Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Rural to urban migration and distributive justice in contemporary China Dr Zhouni Zhang Hong Kong 30/1/2018
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research A comparative study of perceptions of destination advertising according to message appeal and endorsement type Professor Sam Kim  Hong Kong 30/10/2017
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Is there stability underneath health risk resilience in Hong Kong inbound tourism? Professor Sam Kim  Hong Kong 2/4/2018
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development A family-centred practice supervision project conducted for a child welfare agency Professor Mooly Wong Hong Kong 23/10/2019
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Examination of the adoption of augmented reality: a VAM approach Dr Norman Au Hong Kong 21/8/2019
Sciences, Social Asia Europe Journal Logic of the Chinese developmental state and China’s geo-economic engagement with Central and Eastern Europe Dr Weiqing Song Macau 9/2/2019
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy for Pure Victims with Internalizing Problems: An Evidence-based One-year Longitudinal Study Dr Annis Fung Hong Kong 27/7/2017
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Quality Open Space Experiences for the Visually Impaired Ms Jiaxin Xiao Hong Kong 8/4/2019
Psychology Applied Psychological Measurement Application of a Learning Diagnosis System in Chinese Classrooms Dr Meijuan Li    China 13/10/2017
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Contribution of Wisdom to Well-Being in Chinese Older Adults Dr Esther Chow    Hong Kong 2/7/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Impact of accommodation sharing on tourist attractions Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 31/10/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research The combination of interval forecasts in tourism Dr Doris Wu China 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Modelling the interdependence of tourism demand: The global vector autoregressive approach Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 8/4/2017
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Forecasting turning points in tourism growth Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 30/7/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Density tourism demand forecasting revisited Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 22/3/2019
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