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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-醫療 Current Pharmaceutical Design Treatments for Iron Deficiency (ID): Prospective Organic Iron Fortification Dr Gang Liu China 1/3/2019
科學-醫療 Environmental Pollution Long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with platelet counts in adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 10/5/2018
科學-醫療 Cancer Effectiveness of a short message service intervention to motivate people with positive results in preliminary colorectal cancer screening to undergo colonoscopy: A randomized controlled trial Ms Yanan Wu China 2/3/2019
科學-醫療 Endocrine Journal Urinary equol is associated with bioavailable testosterone but not total testosterone in women Professor Yuming Chen China 28/3/2020
科學-醫療 Chinese Medicine Brain connectomic associations with traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic classification of major depressive disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study Professor Zhang-Jin Zhang  Hong Kong 11/4/2019
科學-醫療 Current Pharmaceutical Design Effects of Bioactive Peptide on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Focus on Signal Transduction and Intestinal Microbiota Ms Sujuan Ding China 14/11/2018
科學-醫療 Environmental Health Perspectives Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, Blood Pressure, and Incident Hypertension in Taiwanese Adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 18/1/2018
科學-醫療 British Journal of Sports Medicine Habitual physical activity, renal function and chronic kidney disease: a cohort study of nearly 200 000 adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 22/1/2020
科學-醫療 Endoscopic Ultrasound EUS-FNA using 22G nitinol or ProCore needles without on-site cytopathology Dr Charing Chong    Hong Kong 15/2/2018
科學-醫療 Child Neuropsychology Parents’ perceptions of children’s executive functions across different cities Dr Cynthia Lai Hong Kong 24/11/2017
科學-醫療 Current Developmental Disorders Reports Neuromuscular Processes in the Control of Posture in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Current Evidence and Future Research Directions Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 18/1/2018
科學-醫療 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine How job stress influences job performance among Chinese healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study Mr Jianwei Deng China 5/1/2019
科學-醫療 British Journal of Sports Medicine Increased leisure-time physical activity associated with lower onset of diabetes in 44 828 adults with impaired fasting glucose: a population-based prospective cohort study Professor Xiang Qian Lao    Hong Kong 13/1/2018
科學-醫療 Cancer Science High-affinity PD-1 molecules deliver improved interaction with PD-L1 and PD-L2 Dr Zhaoduan Liang China 11/6/2018
科學-醫療 Community Dental Health Journal The impact of oral health status on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of 12-year-olds from children's and parents' perspectives Ms Yan Zhang Hong Kong 1/12/2014
科學-醫療 Environment International Veterinary antibiotics in food, drinking water, and the urine of preschool children in Hong Kong Dr Wen Jing Deng  Hong Kong 7/9/2017
科學-醫療 British Journal of Pharmacology The brain-penetrating, orally bioavailable, ghrelin receptor agonist HM01 ameliorates motion-induced emesis in Suncus murinus (house musk shrew) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 13/11/2019
科學-醫療 Cancer Management and Research Pretreatment lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio as a predictor of survival among patients with ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis Professor Fang-fang Zeng China 27/2/2019
科學-醫療 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis Simultaneous Determination of 17 Constituents of Chinese Wild Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza from Different Geographical Areas by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Dr Xiaodan Zhang China 14/11/2018
科學-醫療 Complementary Therapies in Medicine Tai Chi practice on prefrontal oxygenation levels in older adults: A pilot study Dr William Tsang Hong Kong 6/11/2018

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