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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學 -生命 International Journal of Molecular Sciences Deficiency in RCAT-1 Function Causes Dopamine Metabolism Related Behavioral Disorders in Caenorhabditis elegans Young-Ki Paik South Korea 18/2/2022
科學 -生命 Food Research International The intestinal colonization of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum AR113 is influenced by its mucins and intestinal environment Guangqiang Wang China 17/5/2022
科學 -生命 Cell & Bioscience Maintenance of tRNA and elongation factors supports T3SS proteins translational elongations in pathogenic bacteria during nutrient starvation Xin Deng Hong Kong 9/5/2022
科學 -生命 Foods Characteristics of Probiotic Preparations and Their Applications Guangqiang Wang China 16/8/2022
科學 -生命 Microorganisms Impacts of Wet Market Modernization Levels and Hygiene Practices on the Microbiome and Microbial Safety of Wooden Cutting Boards in Hong Kong Olivier Habimana Hong Kong 12/7/2020
科學 -生命 Ecological Indicators Establishment of the watershed health indicators and health check of reservoirs Ivy Ying-Chu Chen Taiwan 5/11/2021
科學 -生命 Aging Dual activation of Hedgehog and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway caused by downregulation of SUFU targeted by miRNA-150 in human gastric cancer Yin  Peng  China 12/4/2021
科學 -生命 Carbohydrate Polymers The effects of diet and gut microbiota on the regulation of intestinal mucin glycosylation Qixiao  Zhai  China 19/1/2021
科學 -生命 Food & Function Colonisation with endogenous Lactobacillus reuteri R28 and exogenous Lactobacillus plantarum AR17-1 and the effects on intestinal inflammation in mice Guangqiang  Wang  China 2/3/2021
科學 -生命 Environmental Science & Technology Maternal Transfer of 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate Leads to Developmental Toxicity Possibly by Blocking the Retinoic Acid Receptor and Retinoic X Receptor in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Yu  Li  China 8/3/2021
科學 -生命 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Surface-layer protein produced by Lactobacillus crispatus JCM 2009 ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation through autophagy cross-talk with the NF-κB signaling pathway Huifang  Wang  China 29/10/2020
科學 -生命 Foods Effect of Barley Antifreeze Protein on Dough and Bread during Freezing and Freeze-Thaw Cycles Sherry Xiangli  Ding  China 19/11/2020
科學 -生命 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Improvement of stilbene production by mulberry Morus alba root culture via precursor feeding and co-elicitation Waraporn  Putalun  Thailand 10/11/2020
科學 -生命 Journal of Food Science Structural characterization and functional properties of CNPP, a byproduct formed during CPP preparation Na  Zhang  China 27/4/2021
科學 -生命 Chemosphere Dose-dependent effects of lead induced gut injuries: An in vitro and in vivo study Leilei  Yu  China 29/11/2020
科學 -生命 Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods Short/long-term cryopreservation prior to comet assay of whole-blood leukocytes and in vitro-cultured lung fibroblasts Aleksey  Larionov  Romania 17/1/2021
科學 -生命 Journal of Functional Foods Lead-induced gut injuries and the dietary protective strategies: A review Leilei  Yu  China 26/5/2021
科學 -生命 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Isoflavone biomarkers are inversely associated with atherosclerosis progression in adults: a prospective study Zheqing  Zhang  China 11/3/2021
科學 -生命 Food Research International Proteolysis, lipolysis, texture and sensory properties of cheese ripened by Monascus fumeus Guangqiang  Wang  China 3/9/2020
科學 -生命 Chemico-Biological Interactions Resveratrol inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -3 expression by suppressing of p300/NFκB acetylation in TNF-α-treated human dermal fibroblasts Ying-Jung  Chen  China 27/1/2021

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