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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology The Interactional–Institutional Construction of Teachers’ Emotions in Hong Kong: The Inhabited Institutionalism Perspective Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang China 26/11/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol Dr Herman Lo Hong Kong 3/11/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Multilevel Impacts of Transformational Leadership on Service Quality: Evidence From China Dr Shanshan Wen China 30/5/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Do Chinese Teachers Perform Emotional Labor Equally? Multi-Group Comparisons Across Genders, Grade Levels and Regions Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 2/7/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Empowered to Break the Silence: Applying Self-Determination Theory to Employee Silence Professor Li Ma China 3/5/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Informal Status and Taking Charge: The Different Roles of OBSE, P-J Fit, and P-S Fit Dr Shudi Liao China 14/8/2020
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology A Multilevel Analysis of Job Characteristics, Emotion Regulation, and Teacher Well-Being: A Job Demands-Resources Model Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 29/11/2018
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Creative Arts-Based Therapies for Stroke Survivors: A Qualitative Systematic Review Professor Rainbow Ho Hong Kong 25/9/2018
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Anchoring-and-Adjustment During Affect Inferences Professor Michelle Yik Hong Kong 1/8/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Does Gender Make a Difference in Deception? The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Ms Xiaolan Yang China 20/8/2018
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology When Does Status Turn Into Proactive Helping Behavior? The Moderating Role of Cooperative/Competitive Behavior Intention Dr. Shudi Liao China 12/3/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Gamification for Internet Gaming Disorder Prevention: Evaluation of a Wise IT-Use (WIT) Program for Hong Kong Primary Students Prof. Cecilia Cheng Hong Kong 11/1/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Evaluating the Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of the Brief Self-Control Scale Amongst Chinese University Students Dr Simon Fung Hong Kong 1/8/2020
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Emotional Labor in Knowledge-Based Service Relationships: The Roles of Self-Monitoring and Display Rule Perceptions Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 4/9/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology A Study of the Mechanism of the Congruence of Leader–Follower Power Distance Orientation on Employees’ Task Performance Dr Shudi Liao China 26/3/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Leader Inclusiveness and Taking Charge: The Role of Thriving at Work and Regulatory Focus Dr. Qiuyun Guo China 24/10/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology The Buffering Effect of Machiavellianism on the Relationship Between Role Conflict and Counterproductive Work Behavior Dr Jun Zhao China 21/9/2018
心理學 Educational Psychology Academic dishonesty among Hong Kong secondary school students: application of theory of planned behaviour Dr Ming-Tak Hue    Hong Kong 21/3/2018
心理學 Educational Psychology Job characteristics and teacher well-being: the mediation of teacher self-monitoring and teacher self-efficacy Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 1/11/2019
心理學 Developmental Neuropsychology Explicit Aiming Strategy Decreases the Differences in Visuomotor Adaptation between Children and Young Adults Dr Kanfeng Deng China 10/12/2019

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