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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
教育 Early Child Development and Care Challenges to the infant care profession: practitioners’ perspectives Dr Wai Ling Chan   Hong Kong 30/1/2018
教育 Early Child Development and Care  Implementing inclusive education in an early childhood setting: a case study of a Hong Kong kindergarten Ms Jie Zhu Hong Kong 28/3/2017
教育 Dyslexia The association between reading abilities and visual‐spatial attention in Hong Kong Chinese children Dr Sisi Liu    Hong Kong 25/3/2018
教育 Computers & Education  Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom: Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects Dr Khe Foon Hew Hong Kong 12/9/2017
教育 Contemporary Educational Psychology Family socioeconomic status and Chinese children’s early academic development: Examining child-level mechanisms Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 7/9/2019
教育 Computers & Education Is facebook involvement associated with academic engagement among Filipino university students? A cross-sectional study Mr Weipeng Yang Hong Kong 6/12/2018
教育 Computers & Education Online social networking and subjective well-being: Mediating effects of envy and fatigue Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 6/1/2019
教育 Computers & Education Using design-based research methodology to develop a pedagogy for teaching and learning of Chinese writing with wiki among Chinese upper primary school students Dr Samuel Chu Hong Kong 15/6/2018
教育 Computer Assisted Language Learning Supporting lower-level processes in EFL listening: the effect on learners’ listening proficiency of a dictation program supported by a mobile instant messaging app Dr Khe Foon Hew Hong Kong 10/7/2019
教育 Computers & Education Student continuance of learning management system use: A longitudinal exploration Ms Miaoting Cheng Hong Kong 2/7/2018
教育 Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education  Is teacher education at risk? A tale of two cities – Hong Kong and Macau Dr Flora Yu Hong Kong 8/1/2017
教育 Comparative Education Review Educational Injustice in a High-Stakes Testing Context: A Mixed Methods Study on Rural Migrant Children’s Academic Experiences in Shanghai Public Schools Dr Lisa Yiu Hong Kong 16/7/2020
教育 Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education Shadow education: patterns and scale of private supplementary tutoring in English in secondary education at urban Dhaka in Bangladesh Dr Rafsan Mahmud Bangladesh 29/6/2017
教育 Chinese Education & Society Citizenship and Education in China: Contexts, Perspectives, and Understandings Dr. Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 25/3/2020
教育 Chinese Education & Society The Structural Causes of Teacher Burnout in Hong Kong Dr. Kwok-Kuen Tsang China 6/7/2019
教育 Chemistry Education Research and Practice An experienced chemistry teacher's practical knowledge of teaching with practical work: the PCK perspective Professor Bing Wei    Macau 17/1/2018
教育 Child Development  Early Cognitive Precursors of Children's Mathematics Learning Disability and Persistent Low Achievement: A 5‐Year Longitudinal Study Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 7/12/2018
教育 British Journal of Religious Education The religious world in Chinese social studies textbooks Dr Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 9/11/2018
教育 Cambridge Journal of Education Knowledge and power: the interface between religion and education in China Dr Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 1/10/2017
教育 British Journal of Educational Technology Scaffolding design thinking in online STEM preservice teacher training Dr. Bian Wu China 31/7/2019

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