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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
計算、數學與統計 Information Systems Journal Understanding massively multiplayer online role-playing game addiction: A hedonic management perspective Dr. Christy Cheung Hong Kong 9/6/2020
計算、數學與統計 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information A Data-Driven Framework for Analyzing Spatial Distribution of the Elderly Cardholders by Using Smart Card Data Mr. Zhicheng Shi Hong Kong 27/10/2021
計算、數學與統計 Computer Standards & Interfaces The trust model of enterprise purchasing for B2B e-marketplaces Dr. Shu-Chiung Lin Taiwan 20/2/2020
計算、數學與統計 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Temperature Distribution of Self-Lubricating Packing Rings in Reciprocating Compressors Dr Xiaohan Jia China 28/9/2016
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Time Series Analysis Walsh Fourier Transform of Locally Stationary Time Series Mr. Zhenlin Huang Hong Kong 21/10/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) A Bayesian approach to developing a stochastic mortality model for China Professor Wai-Sum Chan    Hong Kong 20/5/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of the American Statistical Association Statistical Inference for Covariate-Adaptive Randomization Procedures Dr Wei Ma China 22/7/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of the American Statistical Association Batch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 17/7/2018
計算、數學與統計 Journal of the American Statistical Association An Extended Mallows Model for Ranked Data Aggregation Dr Xiaodan Fan Hong Kong 23/4/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Systems and Software LDFR: Learning deep feature representation for software defect prediction Dr. Jacky Keung Hong Kong 9/2/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Multivariate Analysis Composite partial likelihood estimation for length-biased and right-censored data with competing risks Dr Heng Peng Hong Kong 26/4/2016
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Medical Internet Research Application of a Blockchain Platform to Manage and Secure Personal Genomic Data: A Case Study of LifeCODE.ai in China Ms. Miao Zhang China 9/10/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics Blowup for Projected 2 -Dimensional Rotational C2 Solutions of Compressible Euler Equations Dr Steven Yuen    Hong Kong 9/9/2019
計算、數學與統計 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bitcoin price prediction using machine learning: An approach to sample dimension engineering Dr Zheshi Chen China 13/8/2019
計算、數學與統計 IT Professional Fast Incremental Learning With Swarm Decision Table and Stochastic Feature Selection in an IoT Extreme Automation Environment Dr Simon Fong Macau 5/6/2019
計算、數學與統計 IT Professional The use of big data analytics to predict the foreign exchange rate based on public media: A machine-learning experiment Mr Che-Chuan Hsu Taiwan 16/4/2018
計算、數學與統計 International Journal of Medical Informatics Smooth Bayesian network model for the prediction of future high-cost patients with COPD Professor Frank Chen Hong Kong 4/4/2019
計算、數學與統計 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Learning fraction comparison by using a dynamic mathematics software – GeoGebra Dr Eric Poon  Hong Kong 29/11/2017
計算、數學與統計 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making A Language for Financial Chart Patterns Dr Lawrence Si Macau 16/7/2018
計算、數學與統計 INFORMS Journal on Computing Multisourcing Supply Network Design: Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Model, Tractable Approximations, and Computational Results Dr Miao Song Hong Kong 4/5/2017

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