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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-物理 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Heat and mass transfer in a polymeric electrolyte membrane-based electrochemical air dehumidification system: Model development and performance analysis Dr Ronghui Qi  China 14/6/2018
科學-物理 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Assessment of comfortable clothing thermal resistance using a multi-scale human thermoregulatory model Professor Vera He China 31/3/2016
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using dual self-oscillating inverted flags: Staggered and side-by-side configurations Professor Yingzheng Liu China 15/3/2019
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Non-uniform ground-level wind patterns in a heat dome over a uniformly heated non-circular city Professor Yuguo Li China 4/5/2018
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Large eddy simulation and proper orthogonality decomposition of turbulent flow around a vibrissa-shaped cylinder Professor Yingzheng Liu China 9/9/2017
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Flow structures behind a vibrissa-shaped cylinder at different angles of attack: Complication on vortex-induced vibration Professor Yingzheng Liu China 25/9/2017
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Jet impingement heat transfer of a lobed nozzle: Measurements using temperature-sensitive paint and particle image velocimetry Professor Yingzheng Liu China 4/4/2018
科學、地球與太空 International Journal of Global Warming Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from industrial parks using criteria air pollutants: a case study of Taiwan Professor Ivy Chen    Taiwan 18/5/2018
科學-物理 International Journal of Geographical Information Science Improving the throughput of transportation networks with a time-optimization routing strategy Dr Gang Liu China 25/6/2018
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Interaction between separation bubble and impinging vortices over a finite blunt plate Prof. Yingzheng Liu China 1/9/2020
科學-物理 International Journal of Fatigue Size effect on cyclic torsion of micro-polycrystalline copper considering geometrically necessary dislocation and strain gradient Dr Miaolin Feng China 17/8/2018
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow A hybrid immersed boundary/wall-model approach for large-eddy simulation of high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows Dr Wei-Xi Huang China 15/1/2021
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Geomechanics Nondimensional Solutions for Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand Considering Nonlinear Soil–Pile Interactions Mr Dong Su    China 5/8/2018
科學-物理 International Journal of Energy Research Conceptual design of an innovative reduced moderation thorium-fueled small modular reactor with heavy-water coolant Prof. Tengfei Zhang China 22/8/2019
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Fatigue Creep and fatigue behavior of 316L stainless steel at room temperature: Experiments and a revisit of a unified viscoplasticity model Dr Miaolin Feng China 3/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Risk-Taking Propensity of Construction Workers—An Application of Quasi-Expert Interview Dr Kam Leung Low Hong Kong 15/10/2018
科學-物理 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Effects of vibrational nonequilibrium on hypersonic shock-wave/laminar boundary-layer interactions Professor Chih-Yung Wen Hong Kong 13/8/2018
科學、地球與太空 International Journal of Climatology Stone forest as a small‐scale field model for the study of urban climate Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 14/4/2018
科學-物理 Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers From ZIF nanoparticles to hierarchically porous carbon: toward very high surface area and high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials Dr Ming Xue China 10/6/2018
計算、數學與統計 INFORMS Journal on Computing Multisourcing Supply Network Design: Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Model, Tractable Approximations, and Computational Results Dr Miao Song Hong Kong 4/5/2017

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