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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-物理 JGR: Space Physics Low‐Latitude Ionospheric Density Irregularities and Associated Scintillations Investigated by Combining COSMIC RO and Ground‐Based Global Positioning System Observations Over a Solar Active Period Dr George Liu    Hong Kong 19/4/2018
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Aerospace Engineering Pressure-Bearing Parameter Identification for Martian Soil Based on a Terramechanics Model and Genetic Algorithm Dr Meng Zou China 22/12/2017
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Planets Analysis of Rock Abundance on Lunar Surface From Orbital and Descent Images Using Automatic Rock Detection Dr Bo Wu    Hong Kong 19/4/2018
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Planets Rock Abundance and Crater Density in the Candidate Chang'E‐5 Landing Region on the Moon Dr Bo Wu Hong Kong 30/11/2018
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Oceans Axial Wind Effects on Stratification and Longitudinal Sediment Transport in a Convergent Estuary During Wet Season Dr Wenping Gong China 17/1/2020
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Atmospheres Effects of Cryospheric Change on Alpine Hydrology: Combining a Model With Observations in the Upper Reaches of the Hei River, China Professor Rensheng Chen China 14/3/2018
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Oceans Development of upwelling on pathway and freshwater transport of Pearl River plume in northeastern South China Sea Dr Zhaoyun Chen  China 15/6/2017
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Aerosol Science Deposition of bronchiole-originated droplets in the lower airways during exhalation Mr. Han Yu Hong Kong 29/1/2020
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Atmospheres Simple Parameterization of Aerodynamic Roughness Lengths and the Turbulent Heat Fluxes at the Top of Midlatitude August‐One Glacier, Qilian Mountains, China Dr Shuhai Guo China 26/10/2018
科學、地球與太空 JGR: Atmospheres Momentum Drag Effect Over Urbanized Areas in the ACM2 PBL Component of the WRF model Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 4/8/2019
科學-物理 JGR Space Physics A New Method for Deriving Equatorial Plasma Bubble Velocity by Tracing OI 630 nm All‐Sky Images Dr George Liu    Hong Kong 31/8/2018
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Advanced Transportation Refining Lane-Based Traffic Signal Settings to Satisfy Spatial Lane Length Requirements Dr Chi Kwong Wong Hong Kong 17/7/2017
科學、地球與太空 JGR Atmospheres Radical budget and ozone chemistry during autumn in the atmosphere of an urban site in central China Dr Jimmy Fung   Hong Kong 3/8/2017
科學、地球與太空 JGR Atmospheres Spatiotemporal Variation in Presummer Precipitation Over South China From 1979 to 2015 and Its Relationship With Urbanization Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 18/6/2019
科學-物理 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics A structure state evaluation method based on electric-thermo-acoustic effect for tension materials Dr Aijun Yin China 9/6/2016
計算、數學與統計 IT Professional Fast Incremental Learning With Swarm Decision Table and Stochastic Feature Selection in an IoT Extreme Automation Environment Dr Simon Fong Macau 5/6/2019
計算、數學與統計 IT Professional The use of big data analytics to predict the foreign exchange rate based on public media: A machine-learning experiment Mr Che-Chuan Hsu Taiwan 16/4/2018
工程、建築與設計 JGR: Atmospheres On the asymmetry of the urban daily air temperature cycle Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 22/5/2017
工程、建築與設計 JGR Atmospheres  Impact of land surface heterogeneity on urban heat island circulation and sea‐land breeze circulation in Hong Kong Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 4/7/2017
科學-物理 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Integration of aerial oblique imagery and terrestrial imagery for optimized 3D modeling in urban areas Dr Bo Wu    Hong Kong 13/3/2018

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