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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學 -生命 Environment International Integrated aquaculture contributes to the transfer of mcr-1 between animals and humans via the aquaculture supply chain Professor Yuebin Ke China 12/6/2019
科學-醫療 Cell Death & Disease Sarcodon imbricatus polysaccharides improve mouse hematopoietic function after cyclophosphamide-induced damage via G-CSF mediated JAK2/STAT3 pathway Ms Xue Wang China 21/5/2018
科學-醫療 BMC Oral Health The association between nutritive, non-nutritive sucking habits and primary dental occlusion Dr Yanqi Yang Hong Kong 22/8/2018
科學-醫療 Developmental Science Movement segmentation and visual perturbation increase developmental differences in motor control and learning Ms Jiamin Wu China 16/12/2018
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river delta, China☆ Professor King Ming Chan Hong Kong
科學 -生命 Cytotechnology Analysis of toxicity effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure on human bronchial epithelial 16HBE cells Professor Yuebin Ke China 8/7/2017
科學 -生命 Environmental Research Emissions of fine particulate nitrated phenols from various on-road vehicles in China Dr. Xinfeng Wang China 28/8/2019
科學-醫療 Cell Calcium Use of a microelectrode array to record extracellular pacemaker potentials from the gastrointestinal tracts of the ICR mouse and house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 9/5/2019
科學-醫療 BMC Pediatrics  Feasibility of a guided participation discharge program for very preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit: a randomized controlled trial Prof. Janita Chau    Hong Kong 4/11/2019
科學-醫療 Diabetologia Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and incident type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal cohort study Professor Xiangqian Lao Hong Kong 31/1/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Geochemistry and Health Antibiotic distribution, risk assessment, and microbial diversity in river water and sediment in Hong Kong Dr Wen Jing Deng Hong Kong 29/3/2018
科學 -生命 Contraception: X Effect of a novel copper-containing intrauterine device material on the endometrial environment in rabbits Dr Shifu Hu China 20/6/2018
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Effects of two juvenile hormone analogue insecticides, fenoxycarb and methoprene, on Neocaridina davidi Professor King Ming Chan Hong Kong 5/7/2019
科學-醫療 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The effectiveness of long-needle acupuncture at acupoints BL30 and BL35 for CP/CPPS: a randomized controlled pilot study Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 12/5/2017
科學-醫療 Cardiovascular Research Vascular peroxidase 1 mediates hypoxia-induced pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation, apoptosis resistance and migration Mr Baiyang You China 27/11/2017
科學-醫療 BMJ Open Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a virtual multidisciplinary stroke care clinic for community-dwelling stroke survivors and caregivers: a randomised controlled trial protocol Professor Janita Chau   Hong Kong 10/5/2019
科學-醫療 Digestive Surgery Laparoscopic Hepatectomy (with or without Robotic Assistance) versus Radiofrequency Ablation as a Minimally Invasive Treatment for Very Early-Stage or Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dr Ching Ning Chong Hong Kong 27/3/2019
科學 -生命 Cell Death & Differentiation p73 coordinates with Δ133p53 to promote DNA double-strand break repair Dr Jun Chen China 6/3/2018
科學 -生命 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Direct and indirect effects of microplastics on bivalves, with a focus on edible species: A mini-review Dr. Ka Yan Man Hong Kong 17/12/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Triphenyl phosphate modulated saturation of phospholipids: Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation☆ Mr. Wenxin Hu China 1/4/2020

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