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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Anchoring-and-Adjustment During Affect Inferences Professor Michelle Yik Hong Kong 1/8/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology When Does Status Turn Into Proactive Helping Behavior? The Moderating Role of Cooperative/Competitive Behavior Intention Dr. Shudi Liao China 12/3/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Emotional Labor in Knowledge-Based Service Relationships: The Roles of Self-Monitoring and Display Rule Perceptions Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 4/9/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Gamification for Internet Gaming Disorder Prevention: Evaluation of a Wise IT-Use (WIT) Program for Hong Kong Primary Students Prof. Cecilia Cheng Hong Kong 11/1/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Evaluating the Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of the Brief Self-Control Scale Amongst Chinese University Students Dr Simon Fung Hong Kong 1/8/2020
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology A Study of the Mechanism of the Congruence of Leader–Follower Power Distance Orientation on Employees’ Task Performance Dr Shudi Liao China 26/3/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology Leader Inclusiveness and Taking Charge: The Role of Thriving at Work and Regulatory Focus Dr. Qiuyun Guo China 24/10/2019
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology The Buffering Effect of Machiavellianism on the Relationship Between Role Conflict and Counterproductive Work Behavior Dr Jun Zhao China 21/9/2018
科學-社會 FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Disfluency in relay and non-relay simultaneous interpreting Dr Andrew Cheung Hong Kong 26/7/2019
科學-社會 Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions A preliminary consequential evaluation of the roles of cultures in human rights debates Dr Benedict Chan Hong Kong 17/5/2019
科學-社會 Flavour and Fragrence Journal Characterization of major odor-active compounds responsible for nutty flavor in Cheddar cheese according to Chinese taste Dr. Chen Chen China 11/1/2020
科學-社會 Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions Revisiting the relationship between economic growth and inclusive development Dr Muk Yan Wong Hong Kong 16/5/2019
科學-社會 Facilities Policy, implementation and management of the inclusive design of open space for visually impaired persons Professor Michael Siu Hong Kong 4/1/2019
科學-社會 Family Relations Money Management and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Dual-Earner Couples in Western Europe Ms Beyda Cineli Spain 22/6/2020
科學-社會 European Sociological Review The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Hiring: A Field Experiment Prof. M. Jose Gonzalez Spain 30/1/2019
科學-社會 European Sociological Review The Hidden Cost of Flexibility: A Factorial Survey Experiment on Job Promotion Professor José González Spain 25/11/2019
科學-社會 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology A social identity perspective on the association between leader-member exchange and job insecurity Dr. Chang-qin Lu China 26/8/2019
科學-社會 Ethics and Information Technology Privacy perception and protection on Chinese social media: a case study of WeChat Professor Ming Cheung  Australia 9/5/2018
科學-社會 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Balancing dual missions for social venture growth: a comparative case study Dr Franziska Gunzel-Jensen Denmark 13/12/2018
科學-社會 English for Specific Purposes Pragmatic force modifiers in English-medium master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Dr Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 26/12/2019

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