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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-社會 Journal of Social Work Enhancing resilience in cross-boundary families: A parent–child parallel group intervention Ms He Bu Hong Kong 14/4/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Service Theory and Practice What to say on social media and how: Effects of communication style and function on online customer engagement in China Professor Jintao Wu China 17/9/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Second Language Writing Effects of intertextual processing on L2 integrated writing Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 4/10/2019
科學-社會 Journal of School Violence A Cross-National Examination of School Violence and Nonattendance Due to School Violence in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China: A Rasch Model Approach Professor Ji-Kang Chen Hong Kong 31/1/2019
心理學 Journal of School Psychology The relations between students' sense of school belonging, perceptions of school kindness and character strength of kindness Dr Jing Huang Hong Kong 20/1/2021
科學-社會 Journal of Rural Studies Proximity, embeddedness and evolution: The role of networks in the development of the informal female labour market for glove manufacturing in Gaozhou county, China Dr Huasheng Yuan China 25/3/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Strategy Use in Oral Communication with Competent Synthesis and Complex Interaction Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 6/4/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Refugee Studies Empowerment in the Asylum-seeker Regime? The Roles of Policies, the Non-profit Sector and Refugee Community Organizations in Hong Kong Dr. Pui-Yan Flora Lau Hong Kong 11/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Organizational Behavior Does homesickness undermine the potential of job resources? A perspective from the work–home resources model Dr Chang-qin Lu    China 27/6/2017
科學-社會 Journal of Organizational Behavior Good marriage at home, creativity at work: Family–work enrichment effect on workplace creativity Professor Xu Huang Hong Kong 19/1/2017
科學-社會 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Language ideologies of Korean mothers with preschool-aged children: comparison, money, and early childhood English education Mun Woo Lee Korea 1/9/2020
心理學 Journal of Managerial Psychology Effects of authentic leadership on work–family balance in China Professor Michael Kwan China 3/11/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Attitudes and identities in learning English and Chinese as a lingua franca: a bilingual learners’ perspective Mr Jim Chan Hong Kong 21/2/2018
心理學 Journal of Managerial Psychology Consequences of supervisor self-interested behavior: a moderated mediation Ms Sarah Zhang China 5/9/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Management Information Systems Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Crime Opportunity and Affordance Perspectives Dr Christy Cheung Hong Kong 14/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies We May Be Different, but I Can Help You: The Effects of Leaders’ Political Skills on Leader–Follower Power Distance Value Incongruence and Withdrawal Behavior Dr Shengming Liu China 29/8/2016
科學-社會 Journal of Language, Identity & Education Motivations of Chinese Learners of Japanese in Mainland China Dr Leining Lv China 5/1/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development Unpacking the “political-institutional complex”: The role of physical and institutional infrastructures in Indonesia’s decentralization reform Dr Wai-Hang Yee Hong Kong 2/3/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism The antecedents of workplace fun in the hospitality industry: A qualitative study Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 19/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management The effect of anticipated emotional labor on hotel employees’ professional mobility Dr Lisa Gao Hong Kong 25/10/2018

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