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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
心理學 Young Consumers Why do young people do things for the environment? The effect of perceived values on pro-environmental behaviour Peggy Ng Hong Kong 21/4/2022
心理學 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health When Big Data Backfires: The Impact of a Perceived Privacy Breach by Pharmaceutical E-Retailers on Customer Boycott Intention in China Tingyu Liu/ Rong Liu China 15/4/2022
心理學 Frontiers in Psychology CEO Overconfidence, Corporate Governance, and R&D Smoothing in Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Firms Yu Huang China 13/7/2022
護理與健康科學 JMIR mHealth and uHealth Problem-Based mHealth Literacy Scale (PB-mHLS): Development and Validation Pengxiang Li China 4/8/2022
護理與健康科學 BMJ Open Exploring social capital for family caregivers of patients with chronic organ failure: Study protocol for a concept mapping study Marques Shek-nam Ng Hong Kong 17/6/2022
人文學科 Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Immigration enforcement and justifications for causing harm Kevin Ip Hong Kong 27/10/2022
人文學科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes Differences between novice and experienced academics in their engagement with audience members in conference Q&A sessions Xiaoyu Xu Hong Kong 28/10/2022
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Building Engineering Development of a back-propagation neural network combined with an adaptive multi-objective particle swarm optimizer algorithm for predicting and optimizing indoor CO2 and PM2.5 concentrations Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 5/5/2022
工程、建築與設計 Building and Environment Exposure and respiratory infection risk via the short-range airborne route Yuguo LI Hong Kong 5/10/2022
工程、建築與設計 Building and Environment Probable cross-corridor transmission of SARS-CoV-2 due to cross airflows and its control Yuguo LI Hong Kong 28/4/2022
工程、建築與設計 AIAA Journal Control of Flow–Acoustic Resonance Using Sweeping Jets Peng Wang China 5/2/2022
工程、建築與設計 Fashion and Textiles Washability and abrasion resistance of illuminative knitted e-textiles with POFs and silver-coated conductive yarns Jeanne Tan Hong Kong 25/11/2022
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Explosion Characteristics of Hydrogen Gas in Varying Ship Ventilation Tunnel Geometries: An Experimental Study Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 4/12/2022
工程、建築與設計 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Design, Modeling and Implementation of a Projectile-Based Mechanism for USVs Charging Tasks Kaiwen Xue China 24/2/2022
工程、建築與設計 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Design and Control of the “TransBoat”: A Transformable Unmanned Surface Vehicle for Overwater Construction Lianxin Zhang China 16/12/2022
教育 International Journal of Educational Management Exploring international brand alliances between local and foreign higher education institutions: An empirical study of sub-degree students Joseph Lau Yui Yip Hong Kong 27/12/2022
教育 British Educational Research Journal Student engagement in online learning in Latin American higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Yuqin Yang China 15/2/2022
計算、數學與統計 Security and Communication Networks Enhancing Personalized Recommendation by Transductive Support Vector Machine and Active Learning Xibin Wang China 3/9/2022
計算、數學與統計 Computers in Biology and Medicine Stroke mortality prediction based on ensemble learning and the combination of structured and textual data Clement Huang/RuixuanHuang Hong Kong 28/10/2022
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of Knowledge Management Sharing or hiding? The influence of supervisor bottom-line mentality on employee knowledge behaviors Wenxing Liu China 11/9/2022

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