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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
教育 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education Understanding student engagement with peer feedback on master’s theses: a Macau study Dr Colin Yu Macau 5/2/2018
教育 Assessing Writing Student engagement with teacher written corrective feedback in EFL writing: A case study of Chinese lower-proficiency students Dr Colin Yu Macau 3/9/2018
教育 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education Collaborative cheating among chinese college students: the effects of peer influence and Individualism-Collectivism orientations Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 26/4/2019
教育 Asian Englishes The choice of English pronunciation goals: different views, experiences and concerns of students, teachers and professionals Dr Jim Chan Hong Kong 7/2/2019
人文學科 Asian Philosophy Zhuangzi’s idea of ‘spirit’: acting and ‘thinging things’ without self-assertion Dr. Ertai Chiu Hong Kong 29/1/2016
教育 Asian Education and Development Studies Nationalistic education in the Hong Kong and the Macao SARs of China Dr Eric Chong Hong Kong 10/1/2018
教育 Asian Education and Development Studies Domestic and overseas doctorates and their academic entry-level jobs in South Korea Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 4/9/2018
人文學科 Asian Cinema Translocal female subjectivity: Notes on Ann Hui’s The Golden Era Ms Hong Zeng Hong Kong 4/1/2019
教育 Asia Pacific Journal of Education Academic satisfaction with hospitality and tourism education in Macao: the influence of active learning, academic motivation, and student engagement Dr Salott Chau  Macau 8/9/2018
教育 Asia Pacific Journal of Education Understanding the reasons for academic stress in Hong Kong via photovoice: implications for education policies and changes Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang China 6/4/2020
教育 Asia Pacific Journal of Education The relationship between school climate and students’ mathematics achievement gaps in Shanghai China: Evidence from PISA 2012 Dr Yuan Teng Hong Kong 23/10/2019
教育 Asia Pacific Journal of Education Applying blended synchronous teaching and learning for flexible learning in higher education: an action research study at a university in Hong Kong Dr. Yuqin Yang China 6/1/2020
教育 Asia Pacific Education Review Learning experience and perceived competencies of doctoral students in Hong Kong Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 24/4/2018
教育 Asia Pacific Education Review Environment matters: exploring the relationships between the classroom environment and college students’ affect in mathematics learning in China Professor Hongbiao Yin   Hong Kong 29/4/2017
教育 Asia Pacific Education Review Alienated and disaffected students: exploring the civic capacity of ‘Outsiders’ in Asian societies Ms Xiaoxue Kuang China 2/2/2018
教育 Asia Pacific Education Review PhD students’ self-perception of skills and career plans while in doctoral programs: are they associated? Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 26/4/2018
教育 American Educational Research Journal Dynamics of Reflective Assessment and Knowledge Building for Academically Low-Achieving Students Dr Yuqin Yang China 27/9/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Young Consumers The perceived cosmopolitan consumption of globally mobile, young consumers from China Dr Wei-Fen Chen Hong Kong 19/11/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Effects of information-processing mechanisms on Internet-based purchase order financing Dr. Jeff Yeung Hong Kong 18/1/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Tropical Conservation Science Regional Fiscal Competition and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure: Provincial-Level Evidence From China Ms Wei Han China 4/4/2019

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