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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-社會 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration Experimental research in the Asia-Pacific region: review and assessment of regional capacity Richard Walker Hong Kong 11/8/2021
科學-社會 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Trust in the Police during the Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: Psychosocial Factors of Perceived Procedural and Distributive Justice Oliver Chan Hong Kong 26/5/2022
科學-社會 AIS Journals When Socialization Goes Wrong: Understanding the We-Intention to Participate in Collective Trolling in Virtual Communities Christy Cheung Hong Kong 1/5/2022
科學-社會 Transport Policy COVID-19, community response, public policy, and travel patterns: A tale of Hong Kong Anthony Chen Hong Kong 8/4/2021
科學-社會 Work, Employment and Society Learning about Pay at Work: A Labour Process Approach to Pay Transparency Fuk Ying Tse United Kingdom 9/3/2022
科學-物理 Experiments in Fluids Data assimilation for turbulent mean flow and scalar fields with anisotropic formulation Chuangxin He China 3/5/2021
科學-物理 Polymers Improving the Barrier Properties of Packaging Paper by Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Polymer Coating—Effect of the Base Paper and Nanoclay Hak Lae Lee Korea, Republic of 19/4/2021
科學-物理 Progress in Organic Coatings A facile and effective approach for the synthesis of fluorinated waterborne polyurethanes with good hydrophobicity and antifouling properties To Ngai Hong Kong 10/7/2021
科學-物理 Advanced Science Sphingomyelinase-Mediated Multitimescale Clustering of Ganglioside GM1 in Heterogeneous Lipid Membranes Hyun-Ro Lee South Korea 2/9/2021
科學-物理 Nano Letters Three-Dimensional Perovskite Nanopixels for Ultrahigh-Resolution Color Displays and Multilevel Anticounterfeiting Ji Tae Kim Hong Kong 14/6/2021
科學-物理 Water Resources Research Hyporheic Exchange in a Straight Pool-Riffle Stream With Floodplain May Chui Hong Kong 14/6/2021
科學-物理 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Distinct effects of transition metal (cobalt, manganese and nickel) ion substitutions on the abiotic oxidation of pyrite: In view of hydroxyl radical production Xiaoliang Liang China 29/1/2022
科學-物理 Physics of Fluids Fluid–structure interaction of a flexible membrane under movement-induced excitation (MIE), extraneously induced excitation (EIE), and coupled MIE–EIE editors-pick Yingzheng Liu China 1/6/2021
科學-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Transient instability in long, tilted water columns with fast-settling, particle-laden layers Yu-Jen Chang Taiwan 2/11/2021
科學-醫療 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics MR Imaging of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Ann D King Hong Kong 18/11/2021
科學-醫療 Statistical Methods in Medical Research Response-adaptive treatment randomization for multiple comparisons of treatments with recurrent event responses Siu Hung Cheung China 28/4/2022
科學-醫療 Frontiers in Psychiatry Examining the Role of Attention Deficits in the Social Problems and Withdrawn Behavior of Children With Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms Trevor Yung Hong Kong 4/5/2021
科學-醫療 BMC Neurology Contribution of sleep quality to fatigue following a stroke: a cross-sectional study Shamay Ng Hong Kong 7/4/2021
科學 -生命 Toxicology Letters MicroRNA-363-3p promotes apoptosis in response to cadmium-induced renal injury by down-regulating phosphoinositide 3-kinase expression Zhiqiang Zhao China 16/4/2021
科學 -生命 Communications Biology Droplet-based microfluidic platform for high-throughput screening of Streptomyces Ran Tu China 31/5/2021

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