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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工商管理與經濟學 Applied Economics Does individual investors’ attention influence underwriters’ IPO pricing? Dr Yuqin Huang China 2/3/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Operations Research Optimal procurement strategies for contractual assembly systems with fluctuating procurement price Professor Youhua Chen Hong Kong 23/7/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Operations Research Decentralization versus coordination in competing supply chains under retailers’ extended warranties Dr Wen Yang China 7/5/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Operations Research Inventory sharing of professional optics product supply chain with equal power agents Dr Chun-Hung Chiu China 23/2/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Operations Research Overstated product sustainability: real cases and a game-theoretical analysis Ms Yanhui Deng China 19/8/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Economics and Finance Import Competition and Export Markups: Evidence from Chinese Multi-Product Exporters Mr Hongkui Liu China 5/1/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Economics and Finance Social Security, Intergenerational Transfers, and Growth Dr Jingwen Yu China 5/1/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Annals of Economics & Finance Characterizing Service Components of China’s Manufacturing Exports Mr Weigang Liu  China 11/1/2017
工商管理與經濟學 Airline Economics in Asia Market Development and Aviation Liberalization in Central Asia Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 14/12/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting Horizons The Effects of Using Bank Auditors on Audit Quality and the Agency Cost of Bank Loans Professor Phyllis Mo Hong Kong 9/1/2017
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting Research Journal Why do investors not punish politically connected firms for financial misrepresentation? A legitimacy-based perspective Dr Ying Zheng China 24/1/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance Ultimate parent board reform and corporate overinvestment: a quasi‐natural experiment study Dr Junsheng Zhang China 2/4/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting Horizons Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure and the Choice between Bank Debt and Public Debt Dr. Wenming Wang Hong Kong 10/1/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance Toward understanding short‐selling activity: demand and supply Professor Hung Wan Kot    Macau 12/12/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance Economic policy uncertainty and stock price crash risk Ms Xiaolan Yang China 14/2/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance CEO pay disparity, takeover premiums and bidder performance in Australia: efficient contracting or managerial power? Dr. Lien Duong Australia 23/3/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance The disclosure of corporate social responsibility reports and sales performance in China Dr Nancy Zheng China 13/12/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance Bank connections and the speed of leverage adjustment: evidence from China's listed firms Dr Qingquan Tang China 25/3/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Academy of Marketing Studies Journal The Impact of Cosmetics Industry Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty: Evidence from Chinese College Students Dr Md. Jahidur Rahman China 6/1/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting & Finance Margin trading and price efficiency: information content or price‐adjustment speed? Professor Wenfeng Wu China 9/9/2018

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