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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN How Economic Policy Uncertainty Affects the Cost of Raising Equity Capital: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings Professor John Wei Hong Kong 15/8/2017
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Trade-induced Competition and Ownership Dynamics Dr Lai Wei Hong Kong 27/11/2018
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Aggregate Mutual Fund Holdings and Fund Performance Professor Young Jun Cho Singapore 19/10/2018
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Trust, Buybacks and Equity Issues Dr Sterling Huang Singapore 27/11/2018
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Trade Networks and Firm Value: Evidence from the US-China Trade War Prof. Lin Chen Hong Kong 17/12/2019
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Disclosure of Internal Control Weaknesses and Auditors' Litigation Risk Professor Kevin Chen Hong Kong 7/10/2019
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Financial Statement Comparability and Hedge Fund Activism Professor Agnes Cheng Hong Kong 26/6/2017
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Idiosyncratic Tail Risk and the Credit Spread Puzzle Mr Chenjie Xu China 12/8/2018
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Demand Shock, Speculative Beta, and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program Professor John Wei Hong Kong 12/1/2018
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Does Expected Bond Liquidity Affect Financial Contracts Dr Yaxuan Qi Hong Kong 12/6/2016
工商管理與經濟學 South African Journal of Business Management Managing conflict and trust as coopetition within alliance partnerships in an emerging economy Dr Hao Shen China 7/1/2019
工商管理與經濟學 SSRN Investment Committee Characteristics and Investment Efficiency Dr Grantley Taylor    Australia 17/2/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Rutgers Business Review Social Exclusion Stimulates Product and Brand Switching Dr Lei Su Hong Kong 4/1/2017
工商管理與經濟學 SAGE Open Entrepreneurial Orientation, Interaction Orientation, and Innovation Performance: A Model of Moderated Mediation Dr Wenhao Song China 24/10/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Risk Management and Insurance Review Inherent Virtue or Inevitable Evil: The Effects of Directors' and Officers' Insurance on Firm Value Dr Jason Yeh Hong Kong 9/3/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting How do industry peers influence individual firms’ voluntary disclosure strategies? Dr Ling Tuo USA 4/3/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Post-earnings announcement drift and parameter uncertainty: evidence from industry and market news Dr. Alex Rengong Zhang Hong Kong 25/11/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Review of Managerial Science Does CEO (over)compensation influence corporate reputation? Professor Miriam Flickinger    Denmark 29/9/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting When is cash king? International evidence on the value of cash across the business cycle Professor Min Xiao China 5/8/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Review of International Economics Bankruptcy costs, economic policy uncertainty, and FDI entry and exit Dr Jiaqing Zhu China 30/5/2019

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