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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of International Business Studies Running out of steam? A political incentive perspective of FDI inflows in China Dr. Danqing Wang Hong Kong 18/6/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Accounting and Business Research The role of institutional investors in post-earnings announcement drift: evidence from China Dr. Guilong Cai China 6/8/2020
工商管理與經濟學 The Singapore Economic Review Exploring Innovation Factors Affecting Economic Performance in Emerging Asian Countries: A Machine Learning Approach Prof. Yu-Wen Liu Taiwan 16/9/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Event marketing, movie consumers' willingness and box office revenue Dr. Xin Zhai China 27/6/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Finance Research Letters Employee satisfaction and the cost of corporate borrowing Dr. Wentao Chi China 26/6/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Marketing Intelligence & Planning Customer management in Internet-based platform firms: review and future research directions Prof. Zhi Yang China 18/5/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of Corporate Finance Corporate board reforms around the world and stock price crash risk Prof. Jinshuai Hu China 1/9/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Applied Economics Does religion affect cost stickiness? Evidence from China Prof. Liangyong Wan China 26/2/2021
工商管理與經濟學 International Journal of Production Economics Pricing and replenishment decisions for seasonal and nonseasonal products in a shared supply chain Mr. Zhongmiao Sun China 24/12/2020
工商管理與經濟學 Young Consumers The perceived cosmopolitan consumption of globally mobile, young consumers from China Dr Wei-Fen Chen Hong Kong 19/11/2018
工商管理與經濟學 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Effects of information-processing mechanisms on Internet-based purchase order financing Dr. Jeff Yeung Hong Kong 18/1/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Tropical Conservation Science Regional Fiscal Competition and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure: Provincial-Level Evidence From China Ms Wei Han China 4/4/2019
工商管理與經濟學 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence  The impact of relational capital on supplier quality integration and operational performance Professor Baofeng Huo   China 22/8/2017
工商管理與經濟學 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Airport capacity choice under airport-airline vertical arrangements Professor Xiaowen Fu Australia 7/5/2016
工商管理與經濟學 The Singapore Economic Review The Role of Marketization on the Linkage Between Misallocation and Productivity Dispersion: Evidence from China Professor Kebin Deng China 13/8/2019
工商管理與經濟學 The World Economy Effects of the Preference for Environmental Quality on the Export Competition between China and OECD Countries Dr Jung Joo La South Korea 4/3/2019
工商管理與經濟學 The Service Industries Journal Workplace gossip and frontline employees’ proactive service performance Professor Michael Kwan China 20/2/2018
工商管理與經濟學 The Service Industries Journal Effect of e-referral incentive programs on referrer loyalty on social platforms Professor Xiaorong Fu China 9/3/2018
工商管理與經濟學 The Service Industries Journal An examination of market orientation and environmental marketing strategy: the case of Chinese firms Professor Wendy Wang China 17/12/2018
工商管理與經濟學 The Review of Financial Studies Investment Timing and Incentive Costs Professor Barney Hartman-Glaser United States 14/5/2019

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