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我们为香港、中国大陆以及亚洲和世界各地的500 多所大学的客户进行润色,而且数字每天还在增加。

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Geodesy Determining inter-system bias of GNSS signals with narrowly spaced frequencies for GNSS positioning Dr George Liu   Hong Kong 14/12/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Geodesy ERTK: extra-wide-lane RTK of triple-frequency GNSS signals Professor Bofeng Li    China 23/2/2017
科学-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics The re-initiation mechanism of detonation diffraction in a weakly unstable gaseous mixture Dr Chih Yung Wen Hong Kong 21/5/2020
科学-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Formation of drops and rings in double-diffusive sedimentation Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 17/12/2019
科学-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Drag reduction in turbulent flows along a cylinder by streamwise-travelling waves of circumferential wall velocity Dr Wei-Xi Huang    China 1/7/2019
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Environmental Sciences Strong ozone production at a rural site in the North China Plain: Mixed effects of urban plumesand biogenic emissions Professor Likun Xue China 24/5/2018
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Environmental Management Optimizing surface and contributing areas of bioretention cells for stormwater runoff quality and quantity management Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 16/12/2017
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Environmental Management Effects of storage environment on the moisture content and microbial growth of food waste Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 3/8/2018
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Environmental Management Temporal variations in water quality in a brackish tidal pond: Implications for governing processes and management strategies Dr May Chui Hong Kong 2/11/2017
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Environmental Management Integrated hydro-environmental impact assessment and alternative selection of low impact development practices in small urban catchments Dr May Chui Hong Kong 20/6/2018
科学-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Data-driven construction of a reduced-order model for supersonic boundary layer transition Dr Wei-Xi Huang Hong Kong 15/7/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Environmental Engineering Water-Quality Prediction Using Multimodal Support Vector Regression: Case Study of Jialing River, China Dr Xuejiao Li China 8/10/2017
科学-物理 Journal of Fluid Mechanics Numerical study of convective sedimentation through a sharp density interface Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 7/6/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Electronic Packaging  Development of a High Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Model for Thin Film Silicon Structures Mr Chia Cheng Chang    Taiwan 26/6/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Engineering Design Transparency in product design: investigating design intentions and consumers’ interpretations Ms Peiyao Cheng Hong Kong 29/8/2018
科学、地球与太空 Journal of Earth System Science An attribute recognition model to predict the groundwater potential of sandstone aquifers in coal mines Dr Shouqiao Shi China 13/3/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Earthquake Engineering Seismic Performance to Emergency Centers, Communication and Hospital Facilities Subjected to Nepal Earthquakes, 2015 Dr Hao Chen China 30/10/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Electronic Imaging Dual-codebook learning and hierarchical transfer for cross-view action recognition Professor Jianhuang Lai China 8/11/2018
计算、数学与统计 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bitcoin price prediction using machine learning: An approach to sample dimension engineering Dr Zheshi Chen China 13/8/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Design, Business & Society Facilitating Design to Engage in Social Behaviour Change for Environmental Benefit Mr Satyakam Sharma Hong Kong 10/1/2017