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我们为香港、中国大陆以及亚洲和世界各地的500 多所大学的客户进行润色,而且数字每天还在增加。

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
教育 The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia Developments and challenges of civic education in Hong Kong SAR, China (1997-2017) Dr Eric Chong Hong Kong 31/3/2018
教育 The Language Learning Journal Exploring complexity in L2 and L3 motivational systems: a dynamic systems theory perspective Dr Gavin Bui Hong Kong 5/5/2019
教育 The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension Mechanism of action of policy networks on the performance of university-based agricultural extensions Dr. Yanrong Wang China 4/8/2020
教育 The Journal of Asia TEFL Contexts, Problems and Solutions in International Communication: Insights for Teaching English as a Lingua Franca Dr Jim Chan Hong Kong 6/1/2018
教育 The Journal of Academic Librarianship An exploratory study of the relationship between the use of the Learning Commons and students' perceived learning outcomes Dr Esther Woo Hong Kong 24/5/2019
法律与法理学 The Italian Law Journal Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Actions (The Experience in Portugal as a Continental Civil Law Country) Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 2/1/2017
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher The Relationship Between Distributed Leadership and Teacher Efficacy in China: The Mediation of Satisfaction and Trust Professor Hongbiao Yin   Hong Kong 22/4/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher School Banding Effects on Student Financial Literacy Acquisition in a Standardised Financial Literacy Curriculum Dr. Maxwell Chun-Sing Ho Hong Kong 1/2/2020
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher An Action Research on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Context Dr Colin Yu Macau 4/2/2018
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Written Corrective Feedback Strategies in English-Chinese Translation Classrooms Dr Colin Yu Macau 5/6/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Reciprocal Gain Spirals: The Relationship of Sleep Quality, Work Enjoyment, Cooperative Interaction, and Work Passion Among Teacher Leaders Dr Jiafang Lu Hong Kong 16/1/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher “Bringing Life to Learning”: A Study of Active Learning in Hospitality Education Dr Salott Chau Macau 20/4/2017
教育 The American Biology Teacher Using a Post-Box Strategy to Elicit & Address Student Misconceptions in Biology Dr Kennedy Chan Hong Kong 12/1/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Micro Language Planning for Refugee Resettlement Language Support Programs: The Case of North Korean Refugees in South Korea Dr Mun Woo Lee South Korea 9/12/2016
教育 Technology, Pedagogy and Education Educational affordances and learning design in music software development Dr Lee Cheng Hong Kong 1/9/2017
教育 Tertiary Education and Management Academics’ job-related stress and institutional commitment in Hong Kong universities Dr hugo Horta Hong Kong 27/7/2019
教育 Teaching in Higher Education Understanding Master’s students’ peer feedback practices from the academic discourse community perspective: A rethinking of postgraduate pedagogies Dr Colin Yu Macau 11/7/2018
教育 Teaching and Teacher Education Facilitating professional learning communities in China: Do leadership practices and faculty trust matter? Professor Hongbiao Yin    Hong Kong 9/10/2018
教育 Teaching and Teacher Education Crossing institutional borders: Exploring pre-service teacher education partnerships through the lens of border theory Dr Cheri Chan Hong Kong 16/8/2019
教育 Teaching and Teacher Education Professional learning communities count: Examining the relationship between faculty trust and teacher professional learning in Hong Kong kindergartens Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 4/9/2019