



Audience-Appropriate Results

When editing administrative and promotional material, we focus on ensuring that your core message is conveyed in the right tone using expressions appropriate for the intended readership. Whether working on student testimonials, CVs, reports of important faculty events, detailed programme descriptions or brief website summaries, our editors understand that relevance is the key to effective communication.

  • 1900

    Papers Edited


  • 200


    supported in 20 countries.

  • 500+

    Authors Served


  • 700+

    Editing hours




  • 100% 保密


  • 弹性归还

    我们一年 362 天进行排程及著手润色工作,并为切合所有日程安排,提供多种归还选项,必要时更可在一夜之间润色多达 8,000 字的论文。

  • 质量保证


Magazine Editing for PolyU (“Milestones”)

分类: 推广和行政

The Communications and Public Affairs Office at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University approached AsiaEdit in 2010 to work on its PolyU Milestones magazine. We initially edited the magazine twice a ...

Promotional Brochure Editing for CityU

分类: 推广和行政

As an emerging unit spanning two rapidly changing fields, the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the City University of Hong Kong realised the need for a promotional brochure. AsiaEdit was cal...

Newsletter Editing for Lingnan University Since 2012

分类: 推广和行政

As a major publication featuring Lingnan University’s efforts in international education, Lingnan Link is a key way in which the University promotes the global reach of its liberal arts educationa...

Large-Scale Editing Projects for EdUHK

分类: 推广和行政

Quality is critical at all levels of academia. In early 2014 the Registry Office at the then Hong Kong Institute of Education contacted AsiaEdit to work on responses to an institutional review and...

Prospectus Editing for PolyU Since 2003

分类: 推广和行政

For almost 20 years, AsiaEdit has ensured that students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have access to clear and concise information in their prospectuses. Starting with the final hardcopy...



  • AsiaEdit edits to a high standard at a reasonable cost. The work is completed on schedule by the cordial team who are always quick to respond.

    Dr Hangjun Yang

    University of International Business and Economics
  • Timely and professional editing. The formatting service according to specific journals’ guidelines has saved a lot of my time.

    Dr Ada Wong

    Lingnan University
  • I’ve completed three projects with AsiaEdit so far. The helpful team there are reliable and respond to my queries quickly. For convenience I can settle their invoices using Wechat Wallet.

    Ms Kelly Zhang

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • As my mother language is not English, I was unsure whether my papers would be fully understood by foreign editors and reviewers. Then my friend introduced AsiaEdit to me and I have now used their paper editing service twice. I estimated the total fee in the AsiaEdit website and talked with them about the pro...

    Dr Michael Zhang

    University of Kentucky
  • My experience with AsiaEdit has been a pleasant one. The best part of their service, as far as I felt it, was their prompt response to suit clients’ needs. In my case, I particularly appreciated them delegating the editing of my manuscript (a book on an interdisciplinary topic in applied linguistics an...

    Dr Edward Wen

    Macau Polytechnic Institute
  • AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

    Dr Bei Zhao

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • I have been using AsiaEdit for the last two years and have been consistently happy with the service and the quality of their work.

    Dr Hongbiao Yin

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • I count on AsiaEdit service because it offers reliable editing quality.

    Dr Jinsoo Lee

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • I am pleased to have a partner to assist in the publishing process that is able to follow journal style guidelines, returns my work on schedule and even provides an editing certificate free of charge.

    Dr Jiabao Liang

    Southern Medical University
  • I always prefer my papers to be edited by someone who knows the language of business (i.e. accounting). AsiaEdit always accommodates my requests. I also receive regular email updates as my papers progress through the editing process.

    Dr Kenny Lin

    Lingnan University
  • AsiaEdit is generally meticulous and dutiful. Their editors are kind and helpful, not only correcting mistakes in a script but also identifying and anticipating possible problems. Being a non-native English writer I am satisfied with the service so far.

    Dr Ertai Chiu

    Lingnan University

Dr Hangjun Yang

AsiaEdit edits to a high standard at a reasonable cost. The work is completed on schedule by the cordial team who are always quick to respond.

Dr Ada Wong

Timely and professional editing. The formatting service according to specific journals' guidelines has saved a lot of my time.

Ms Kelly Zhang

I've completed three projects with AsiaEdit so far. The helpful team there are reliable and respond to my queries quickly. For convenience I can settle their invoices using Wechat Wallet.

Dr Michael Zhang

As my mother language is not English, I was unsure whether my papers would be fully understood by foreign editors and reviewers. Then my friend introduced AsiaEdit to me and I have now used their paper editing service twice. I estimated the total fee in the AsiaEdit website and talked with them about the process, the return time and the fee. I paid the fee through ATM, which was very convenient for me, and received my edited paper back in five days. I was excited because I found the language of my paper vivid and as if it had been written by a person whose mother language is English. Now one of my papers will be published by an English journal and anther paper is still in the process of revision. I believe I will ask AsiaEdit for help for my next English paper for the high quality editing. By the way, you can Use Wechat and QQ to communicate with them and pay with Wechat Wallet. I firmly believe that AsiaEdit will be your best friend in your academic life.

Dr Edward Wen

My experience with AsiaEdit has been a pleasant one. The best part of their service, as far as I felt it, was their prompt response to suit clients' needs. In my case, I particularly appreciated them delegating the editing of my manuscript (a book on an interdisciplinary topic in applied linguistics and cognitive science) to native-English-speaking editors with similar backgrounds. That was exactly what I needed the most during the final stage of my book! Of course, I also like their idea of having a project manager to oversee progress and monitor the editing quality (before returning the edited version to me), which allowed me to rest assured. The charge wasrelatively high, but still quite reasonable and acceptable, particularly given the quality of service and the high cost of Hong Kong. Overall, I am grateful for their prompt and quality service and would highly recommend it to colleagues!

Dr Bei Zhao

AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

Dr Hongbiao Yin

I have been using AsiaEdit for the last two years and have been consistently happy with the service and the quality of their work.

Dr Jinsoo Lee

I count on AsiaEdit service because it offers reliable editing quality.

Dr Jiabao Liang

I am pleased to have a partner to assist in the publishing process that is able to follow journal style guidelines, returns my work on schedule and even provides an editing certificate free of charge.

Dr Kenny Lin

I always prefer my papers to be edited by someone who knows the language of business (i.e. accounting). AsiaEdit always accommodates my requests. I also receive regular email updates as my papers progress through the editing process.

Dr Ertai Chiu

AsiaEdit is generally meticulous and dutiful. Their editors are kind and helpful, not only correcting mistakes in a script but also identifying and anticipating possible problems. Being a non-native English writer I am satisfied with the service so far.



  • 润色
  • 翻译









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