Quick Takeaways:
The English language has a rich history of borrowing words from other languages, especially from Latin. Latin abbreviations such as ‘a.m.’, ‘p.m.’ and ‘CV’ have become part of our everyday vocabulary. Such abbreviations are also frequently used in academic writing, from the ‘Ph.D.’ in the affiliation section to the ‘i.e.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘et al.’, and ‘QED’ in the rest of the paper.
This guide explains when and how to correctly use ‘et al.’ in a research paper.
如能在你的论文中使用到适当的动词时态 (verb tense),将可以令你的写作更清晰及更易被读懂。但是这一点都不简单,很多时连母语为英语的人都未必能够弄清楚呢!
1. 形容事实及一般法则,更多是在引言部分陈述关於研究题目的背景资料。例如:
“The Reynolds number provides a measure of…”
上面句子中的Reynolds number 是一个在流体动力学中重要的无因次质量,用作预测在不同流体流动情况中的流动模式。它在该学科中被定义为一般法则。
2. 形容该论文中的内容或引用图表等。例如:
“Section 3 presents the results”
“Table 2 above demonstrates the success…”
“Smith and Olson (2009) reported that…”
“The subjects in the first group scored higher, on average…”
1. 形容一些由过去连繫到现在或仍在继续的事件。例如:
“Mobile phone use has increased over the past decade”
2. 形容一般结果时强调什麽已经做了,但要留意这里说的不是一些早已被认知的真理。例如:
“Researchers have used this material to manufacture…”
“The temperature increased linearly over time” 是在引述某一實驗。 但當使用了現在式時,
“The temperature increases linearly over time” 是在歸納觀察結果,提出溫度上升與時間保持線性關係。
“In 1905, Albert Einstein postulated that the speed of light is constant”
在这里,postulated 是在过去发生的,所以用了过去时,但 is 所表达的是一般法则,固用上了现在时。
Wondering why some abbreviations such as ‘et al.’ and ‘e.g.’ use periods, whereas others such as CV and AD don’t? Periods are typically used if the abbreviations include lowercase or mixed-case letters. They’re usually not used with abbreviations containing only uppercase letters.
Our latest online workshop built on the success of face-to-face workshops we developed specifically for local universities. Over 30 faculty members joined the session, presented by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Nick Case, to learn from our case studies on editing research proposals.
The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out. The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out. The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out.
Wondering why some abbreviations such as ‘et al.’ and ‘e.g.’ use periods, whereas others such as CV and AD don’t? Periods are typically used if the abbreviations include lowercase or mixed-case letters. They’re usually not used with abbreviations containing only uppercase letters.
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