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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-社会 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing Changes in the morbidity prevalence and morbidity-free life expectancy of the elderly population in China from 2000 to 2010 Professor Xiaoting Liu China 19/5/2018
科学-社会 The Journal of Early Adolescence Sleep Quality Types and Their Influences on Psychological and Physical Health in Chinese Adolescents: A Person-Centered Approach Ms Catie Lai Hong Kong 3/11/2019
科学-社会 The Journal of Chinese Sociology Dependent or breadwinner? Vietnamese brides reshaping gender roles at the China-Vietnam border Dr Pengli Huang China 31/10/2017
科学-社会 The Information Society Social constructivist account of the world’s largest gay social app: Case study of Blued in China Dr Weishan Miao China 18/5/2020
科学-社会 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management A retrospective and prospective assessment of the zero-markup drug reform in China from the perspective of policy diffusion Mr Jianwei Deng China 7/10/2018
科学-社会 The Gerontologist Promoting Volunteering Among Older Adults in Hong Kong: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr Da Jiang Hong Kong 22/6/2019
科学-社会 The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work Who Should Be The Case Manager For Persons With Mental Illness? Social Worker, Nurse Or Occupational Therapist? Ms Sylvia Theresa Tong   Hong Kong 1/1/2018
科学-社会 The Design Journal The Value of Design Collaboration in the Fashion Business: A Literature Review Dr Jerry Shen   China 13/9/2017
科学-社会 The British Journal of Social Work Recovery, Hope and Agency: The Meaning of Hope amongst Chinese Users of Mental Health Services in the UK Dr Lynn Tang Hong Kong 24/5/2018
科学-社会 The China Quarterly Love the Tree, Love the Branch: Beijing's Friendship with Lee Kuan Yew, 1954–1965 Dr Philip Liu Taiwan 8/9/2019
科学-社会 System Gender and attitudes towards English varieties: Implications for teaching English as a global language Mr Jim Chan Hong Kong 19/5/2018
科学-社会 The Belt and Road Initiative Assessing China’s ‘16+1 Cooperation’ with Central and Eastern Europe: A Public Good Perspective Dr Weiqing Song Macau 3/4/2020
科学-社会 Sustainable Cities and Society PRAISE-HK: A personalized real-time air quality informatics system for citizen participation in exposure and health risk management Dr. Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 23/12/2019
科学-社会 Sustainability The Sustainability of Motivation Driven by High Performance Expectations: A Self-Defeating Effect Ms. Mengru Wu China 14/8/2019
科学-社会 Sustainable Cities and Society Relationship between eye-level greenness and cycling frequency around metro stations in Shenzhen, China: A big data approach Dr. Yi Lu Hong Kong 19/4/2020
科学-社会 Sustainability Are Grassroots Sports Events Good for Migrant Cities’ Sustainable Development? A Case Study of the Shenzhen 100 km Hikathon Dr Honggang Xu China 1/7/2019
科学-社会 Sustainability Carbon Reduction Strategies Based on an NW Small-World Network with a Progressive Carbon Tax Professor Bin Wu China 28/9/2017
科学-社会 Sustainability Multiple Goals Dilemma of Residential Water Pricing Policy Reform: Increasing Block Tariffs or a Uniform Tariff with Rebate? Dr Dan Wu China 30/9/2018
科学-社会 Sustainability The Evolving Role of IT Departments in Digital Transformation Mr Che-Chuan Hsu Taiwan 16/10/2018
科学-社会 Sustainability Evaluating China’s Paired-Assistance Policy (PAP) in Response to the Wenchuan Earthquake: A Sustainability Perspective Professor Haibo Zhang China 10/1/2018

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