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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-物理 Journal of Applied Physics Effects of the wall boundary conditions of a showerhead plasma reactor on the uniformity control of RF plasma deposition Dr Ho Jun Kim South Korea 8/3/2017
科学-物理 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology  Characteristics of the Sea-Breeze Circulation in the Pearl River Delta Region and Its Dynamical Diagnosis Dr Jimmy Fung    Hong Kong 22/3/2019
科学-物理 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Response of the Sea Breeze to Urbanization in the Pearl River Delta Region Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 25/6/2019
科学-物理 Journal of Alloys and Compounds A bio-inspired superhydrophobic surface for fog collection and directional water transport Dr Jing Li China 11/10/2019
科学-物理 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Synthesis of submicron lead oxide particles from the simulated spent lead paste for battery anodes Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 15/8/2016
科学-物理 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Simultaneous Determination of Eight Monoalkyl Phthalate Esters in Porcine Tissue by Solid-Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Dr Fen Jin China 6/3/2019
科学-物理 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Surface-Layer Protein from Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation through MAPK and NF-κB Signaling Pathways in RAW264.7 Cells Ms Huifang Wang China 7/5/2018
科学-物理 JGR: Space Physics Low‐Latitude Ionospheric Density Irregularities and Associated Scintillations Investigated by Combining COSMIC RO and Ground‐Based Global Positioning System Observations Over a Solar Active Period Dr George Liu    Hong Kong 19/4/2018
科学-物理 JGR Space Physics A New Method for Deriving Equatorial Plasma Bubble Velocity by Tracing OI 630 nm All‐Sky Images Dr George Liu    Hong Kong 31/8/2018
科学-物理 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics A structure state evaluation method based on electric-thermo-acoustic effect for tension materials Dr Aijun Yin China 9/6/2016
科学-物理 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Integration of aerial oblique imagery and terrestrial imagery for optimized 3D modeling in urban areas Dr Bo Wu    Hong Kong 13/3/2018
科学-物理 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Effects of illumination differences on photometric stereo shape-and-albedo-from-shading for precision lunar surface reconstruction Dr Bo Wu   Hong Kong 29/12/2017
科学-物理 International Journal of Solids and Structures Various configurations and transition strategies of nanostructure induced bistable disks Professor Xiaoqiao He Hong Kong 19/10/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Science Education Understanding metallic bonding: Structure, process and interaction by Rasch analysis Dr Maurice Cheng Hong Kong 23/8/2016
科学-物理 International Journal of Remote Sensing A spatiotemporal satellite image fusion model with autoregressive error correction (AREC) Dr Jing Wang Hong Kong 26/4/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Remote Sensing Automatic detection of individual oil palm trees from UAV images using HOG features and an SVM classifier Mr Yiran Wang Hong Kong 9/6/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Polymer Science Bond Behavior of Wet-Bonded Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Concrete Interface Subjected to Moisture Mr Tao Zhu China 14/3/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Plasticity Interactive effect of stress state and grain size on fracture behaviours of copper in micro-scaled plastic deformation Ms Wenting Li Hong Kong 11/10/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Molecular Sciences Effect of Calcium on Absorption Properties and Thermal Stability of Milk during Microwave Heating Professor Daming Fan   China 13/6/2018
科学-物理 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using a piezoelectric fan Prof. Yingzheng Liu China 11/8/2019

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