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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Effects of Expressive Arts–Based Interventions on Adults With Intellectual Disabilities: A Stratified Randomized Controlled Trial Ted Fong Hong Kong 11/6/2020
心理学 Neuropsychopharmacology The role of dopamine dysregulation and evidence for the transdiagnostic nature of elevated dopamine synthesis in psychosis: a positron emission tomography (PET) study comparing schizophrenia, delusional disorder, and other psychotic disorders Prof. Calvin Cheng Hong Kong 1/7/2020
心理学 Research in Science Education Developing and Validating a Scale of STEM Project-Based Learning Experience Dr. Zhihong Wan Hong Kong 28/10/2020
心理学 Journal of Psychosomatic Research Apathy after subarachnoid haemorrhage: A systematic review Prof. WK Tang Hong Kong 2/2/2022
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Perceived Stress and Daily Well-Being During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Moderating Role of Age Dr. Da Jiang Hong Kong 12/11/2020
心理学 Small Group Research Faultlines and Team Creativity: The Moderating Role of Leadersí Cognitive Reappraisal Mr. Xinxing Zhang China 8/12/2020
心理学 Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Multimodal expressive arts in school counselling: a strength-based intervention program for academic underachievers in secondary schools Dr. Angela SIU Fung-ying Hong Kong 4/6/2020
心理学 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Impact of information seeking, disaster preparedness and typhoon emergency response on perceived community resilience in Hong Kong Dr. Chunlan Guo Hong Kong 11/7/2020
心理学 Journal of Cleaner Production Understanding the behavioural gap between perceived and actual environmental behaviour: Investigating the clam-harvesting pattern in Hong Kong SAR, China Dr. Chi Chiu Cheang Hong Kong 8/7/2021
心理学 British Journal of Educational Psychology The recognition of emotional prosody in students with blindness: Effects of early visual experience and age development Dr. Xiaomeng Chen China 31/8/2021
心理学 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Psychometric Properties of WISC-IV Verbal Scales: A Study of Students in China Who Are Blind Dr. Xiaomeng Chen China 7/8/2021
心理学 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences Prevalence of depression, anxiety and suicide among men who have sex with men in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mrs. Dannuo Wei China 15/6/2020
心理学 Journal of Environmental Psychology Rounded or angular? How the physical work environment in makerspaces influences makers’ creativity Prof. Zhi Yang China 16/12/2020
心理学 Journal of Business and Psychology Can Job-Embedded Employees Be Satisfied? The Role of Job Crafting and Goal-Striving Orientations Mrs. Iris Zhang Macau 19/2/2020
心理学 Current Psychology Evaluating the psychometric properties and factor structure of the general self-efficacy scale in China Dr. Simon Fung Hong Kong 11/7/2020
心理学 The Spanish Journal of Psychology Association between Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Executive Functioning in Healthy Children Dr Mari Nislin Hong Kong 14/5/2019
心理学 The Counseling Psychologist Validation of the Career-Related Parental Support Scale (Chinese Version) Ms Jiahong Zhang Hong Kong 9/12/2019
心理学 Small Group Research Collective Team Identification and External Learning Dr Kun Luan China 6/8/2016
心理学 School Mental Health Relationships Between School Climate Dimensions and Adolescents’ School Life Satisfaction, Academic Satisfaction and Perceived Popularity Within a Chinese Context Dr Angela Siu Hong Kong 28/1/2017
心理学 Psychology Research and Behavior Management Cross-cultural validation of the Social Media Disorder scale Dr Simon Fung Hong Kong 8/1/2019

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