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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
人文学科 The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology Mediating Response-ability in Planning: The Elusiveness of the Cambodia Waste Management Report Justin Lau Hong Kong 8/2/2022
人文学科 Philosophia Utilitarian Contingent Pacifism and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution Benedict Chan Hong Kong 18/10/2022
人文学科 Humanities and Social Sciences Communications A Chinese tale of three regions: a century of China in thousands of films Wei Guo China 12/4/2022
人文学科 The British Journal of Social Work Roles and Tasks of Social Workers in Chinese Disaster Management Minying He Hong Kong 17/6/2022
人文学科 Religions Hybridising Minjian Religion in South China: Participants, Rituals, and Architecture Canglong Wang China 22/4/2022
人文学科 Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Immigration enforcement and justifications for causing harm Kevin Ip Hong Kong 27/10/2022
人文学科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes Differences between novice and experienced academics in their engagement with audience members in conference Q&A sessions Xiaoyu Xu Hong Kong 28/10/2022
人文学科 Learned Publishing Politics matters: The power dynamics behind Chinese English-language humanities and social science journals Ying Huang China 22/12/2020
人文学科 British Journal of Religious Education Making sense of religion: A qualitative inquiry into students’ conceptions of religion in two Chinese regions Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 1/12/2021
人文学科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes “I found it very special and interesting”: Evaluative language in Master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 20/7/2021
人文学科 Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China At the Junction of Desire and Obligation: Analyzing Stefan Zweig’s Letter from an Unknown Woman and Its Two Adaptations Chi Sum  Lau  Hong Kong 31/1/2022
人文学科 Ethnos The Domestic Life of Buyi Videos: The ‘Home Mode’ in Ethnic Rural Southwest China Yu  Luo  Hong Kong 10/8/2021
人文学科 Citizenship Teaching & Learning Hong Kong under COVID-19: Active self-mobilization, freedom and responsibilities, and learnings Eric  Chong  Hong Kong 1/6/2021
人文学科 Visions of Sustainability for Arts Education Arts and Culture Without Policy: Spontaneous Initiatives by Non-governmental and Civil Society Groups in Hong Kong Lee  Cheng  Hong Kong 1/1/2022
人文学科 Assessing Writing Exploiting the potential of peer feedback: The combined use of face-to-face feedback and e-feedback in doctoral writing groups Fangtong  Liu  China 2/9/2020
人文学科 Journal of Sustainable Tourism The influence of culture on the sustainable livelihoods of households in rural tourism destinations Rong Wang China 16/11/2020
人文学科 European Journal for Sport and Society Defending local culture through the global game in Southern China: Guangzhou Football Club fan culture Chun Wing  Lee  Hong Kong 5/2/2021
人文学科 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Residential and industrial enclaves and labor market outcomes among migrant workers in Shenzhen, China Zhouni  Zhang  Hong Kong 15/1/2021
人文学科 Kritika Kultura Brain Text and Sphinx Factor: An Ethical Interpretation of Adultery in Julian Barnes's Fiction Yili Tang China 31/8/2021
人文学科 Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society The Impacts of Public Art on Cities, Places and People’s Lives Prof. Ming Cheung Australia 11/11/2021

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