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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
计算、数学与统计 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Huber-type principal expectile component analysis Dr. Liang-Ching Lin Taiwan 21/5/2020
计算、数学与统计 Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Influence of Clip Locations on Intraaneurysmal Flow Dynamics in Patient-specific Anterior Communicating Aneurysm Models with Different Aneurysmal Angle Mr Lizhong Mu China 9/4/2018
计算、数学与统计 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Response-adaptive treatment allocation for non-inferiority trials with heterogeneous variances Dr Siu Hung Cheung Hong Kong 20/3/2018
计算、数学与统计 Computational Statistics Bayesian bridge-randomized penalized quantile regression for ordinal longitudinal data, with application to firm’s bond ratings Prof. Wai-Sum Chan Hong Kong 19/10/2020
计算、数学与统计 Computers and Geotechnics Study on the effect of particle morphology on single particle breakage using a combined finite-discrete element method Dr Bo Zhou China 3/5/2020
科学-物理 Composites Science and Technology A micromechanical model of interfacial debonding and elementary fiber pull-out for sisal fiber-reinforced composites Dr Limin Zhou   Hong Kong 10/12/2017
科学-物理 Composites Science and Technology Stretchable and compressible strain sensor based on carbon nanotube foam/polymer nanocomposites with three-dimensional networks Professor Peng-Cheng Ma China 15/5/2018
科学-物理 Composites Science and Technology Strengthening carbon nanotube fibers with semi-crystallized polyvinyl alcohol and hot-stretching Dr Shuxuan Qu    China 6/9/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Computers & Industrial Engineering Overhead shuttle design for a flat panel display production line considering the contactless power supply capacity Dr Young Jae Jang Korea 22/9/2018
科学、地球与太空 Computers & Geosciences ParaView visualization of Abaqus output on the mechanical deformation of complex microstructures Professor Jie Liu China 22/11/2016
科学-物理 Computers & Fluids Large-eddy simulation of circular jet mixing: Lip- and inner-ribbed nozzles Professor Yingzheng Liu China 14/4/2018
科学-物理 Computers & Fluids A dynamic delayed detached-eddy simulation model for turbulent flows Professor Yingzheng Liu China 22/1/2017
科学-物理 Composites Science and Technology In-situ curing of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites via resistive heating of carbon nanotube films Dr Weibang Lu China 6/3/2017
科学-物理 Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Modification of basalt fibre using pyrolytic carbon coating for sensing applications Professor Peng-Cheng Ma China 6/10/2017
计算、数学与统计 Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods Simultaneous tests of non inferiority and superiority in three-arm clinical studies with heterogeneous variance Dr Siu Hung Cheung Hong Kong 4/6/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Composites Science and Technology Enhanced thermal conductivity of polyurethane composites via engineering small/large sizes interconnected boron nitride nanosheets Dr Yagang Yao China 24/11/2018
计算、数学与统计 Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation A simulation smoother for long memory time series with correlated and heteroskedastic additive noise Dr Mike So Hong Kong 22/1/2019
科学、地球与太空 Climate Dynamics Harmonic analysis of 130-year hourly air temperature in Hong Kong: detecting urban warming from the perspective of annual and daily cycles Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 10/12/2017
计算、数学与统计 Cogent Engineering Confidence-based iterative efficient large-scale stereo matching Ms Hao Ma China 25/1/2018
科学-物理 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Correlation between the normal position of a particle on a rough surface and the van der Waals force Pengcheng Zhao Hong Kong 13/10/2019

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