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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
工商管理与经济学 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Selling secondhand products through an online platform with blockchain Dr. Jerry Bin Shen China 1/9/2020
工商管理与经济学 China Journal of Accounting Studies Corporate awards and executive compensation: empirical evidence from Chinese A-Share listed companies Dr. Bofu Deng China 27/9/2020
工商管理与经济学 Managerial Auditing Journal Can internal audit functions improve firm operational efficiency? Evidence from China Ms. Ying Chen China 12/9/2020
科学-社会 Public Relations Review When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020 Dr. Yuan Wang Hong Kong 29/6/2021
科学-社会 Journal of China Tourism Research Emotional Labor of Frontline Employees: Generational Differences and Intention to Stay Dr. Deniz Kucukusta Hong Kong 26/12/2020
科学-社会 Journal of Social Issues Labor Market Outcomes of Professional Women with Two Children after the One-Child Policy in China Ms. Yang Shen China 22/7/2020
科学-社会 Journal of Criminal Justice Sexual murderers' choice of weapons: Examining sexual homicides committed by males in China Dr. Oliver Chan Hong Kong 17/6/2020
科学-社会 Chinese Political Science Review Telling the China Story Well: A Discursive Approach to the Analysis of Chinese Foreign Policy in the ìBelt and Roadî Initiative Dr. Weiqing Song Macau 12/4/2020
科学-社会 Journalism Studies Who Leads the IPO News: Agenda-Building and Intermedia Agenda-Setting in a Routinised and Standardised News Context Dr. Meily Cheung Hong Kong 8/7/2020
科学-物理 Journal of Marine Science and Technology An improved spectral method and experimental tests for the low-frequency broadband noise of marine propellers Dr. Wei-Xi Huang China 23/10/2021
科学-物理 Construction and Building Materials Influence of the molecular structure of a polycarboxylate superplasticiser on the dispersion of graphene oxide in cement pore solutions and cement-based composites Dr. Qin Wang China 22/12/2020
科学-物理 ACS Omega Analysis of Spotty Deposits on Fine Paper and Investigation of Key Factors Affecting Alkyl Ketene Dimer Spot Formation Dr. Hak Lae Lee Korea 18/6/2020
科学-物理 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Structure-controlled three-dimensional BiOI/MoS2 microspheres for boosting visible-light photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline Ms. Si-Yao Guo China 3/9/2020
科学-物理 Physics Letters A Graphene-based THz tunable ultra-wideband polarization converter Mr. Muhammad Sajjad China 19/5/2020
科学-物理 Journal of Hazardous Materials Discovery of contaminants with antagonistic activity against retinoic acid receptor in house dust Mr. Yingting Jia China 20/11/2021
科学-物理 Environmental Science & Technology Nontarget Discovery of 11 Aryl Organophosphate Triesters in House Dust Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Mr. Lei Wang China 24/8/2020
科学-物理 Science of The Total Environment Toilets dominate environmental detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a hospital Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 15/8/2020
科学 -医疗 Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Effects of acute oral lead exposure on the levels of essential elements of mice: a metallomics and dose-dependent study Dr. Leilei Yu China 17/7/2020
科学 -医疗 Journal of Clinical Medicine Human Tissue Analysis of Left Atrial Adipose Tissue and Atrial Fibrillation after Cox Maze Procedure Dr. Seung Hyun Lee Korea 4/2/2022
科学 -医疗 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction Predictive value of the sperm DNA fragmentation index for low or failed IVF fertilization in men with mild-to-moderate asthenozoospermia Dr. Meng Rao China 11/7/2020

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