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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学、地球与太空 Science Bulletin A supercritical carbon dioxide layer in the Hadean atmosphere for the origin of life? Yiliang  Li  Hong Kong 16/2/2021
科学、地球与太空 Environmental Pollution Experimental and numerical study on underwater noise radiation from an underwater tunnel Xiaodong  Song  China 27/8/2020
科学、地球与太空 Environmental Science & Technology Potential Link between Equol Pollution and Field-Observed Intersex in Wild So-iuy Mullets (Mugil soiuy) Wang  Chen  China 2/9/2020
科学、地球与太空 Atmospheric Pollution Research Source apportionment of fine secondary inorganic aerosol over the Pearl River Delta region using a hybrid method Jimmy  Fung  Hong Kong 20/4/2021
心理学 Safety Science A study of group effects in pedestrian crowd evacuation: Experiments, modelling and simulation Eric Wai Ming  Lee  Hong Kong 9/10/2020
心理学 Journal of Managerial Psychology Experiencing workplace ostracism with loss of engagement Michael Kwan Ho  Kwong  China 2/12/2020
心理学 Journal of Affective Disorders The prevalence of suicidal behaviors and their mental risk factors among young adolescents in 46 low- and middle-income countries Liyuan  Han  China 12/11/2020
护理与健康科学 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire—short form in cancer patients: a Bayesian structural equation modeling approach Ted  Fong  Hong Kong 10/2/2021
护理与健康科学 Journal of Sports Sciences Associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines and health in the early years: A systematic review and meta-analysis Jie  Feng  Hong Kong 28/6/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Energy Comparative study of the performances of a bio-inspired flexible-bladed wind turbine and a rigid-bladed wind turbine in centimeter-scale Heung Fai  LAM  Hong Kong 9/9/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Central South University Mechanism of necking defect of 6082 aluminium alloy rolled by cross-wedge rolling method based on material thermal properties Donggang  Wang  China 29/1/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering High-solid anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: achievements and perspectives Ying  Xu  China 4/11/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Sensitivity analysis for transit equilibrium assignment and applications to uncertainty analysis Anthony  Chen  Hong Kong 12/2/2022
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Transport Geography Spatial-interaction network analysis of built environmental influence on daily public transport demand Anthony  Chen  Hong Kong 3/3/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Enhancing network resilience by adding redundancy to road networks Anthony  Chen  Hong Kong 27/8/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Transport Geography Evaluating the value of new metro lines using route diversity measures: The case of Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway system Anthony  Chen  Hong Kong 2/2/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Engineering Structures A Bayesian methodology for detection of railway ballast damage using the modified Ludwik nonlinear model Heung Fai  LAM  Hong Kong 31/3/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Investigation of the Structural Strength of Existing Blast Walls in Well-Test Areas on Drillships Jung Kwan  Seo  Korea 4/8/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Structures Analytical investigation of rectangular steel pipe shear connector Xiaoxu  Zhu  Japan 26/12/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Engineering Structures Seismic performance of a novel prefabricated beam-to-column steel joint considering buckling behaviour of dampers Yihe  Qi  China 13/12/2020

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