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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学 -生命 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Molecular characterisation of the complete nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence of the blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra Dr Xuguang Hou China 5/2/2018
科学 -医疗 Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Exploiting the intra-subject latency variability from single-trial event-related potentials in the P3 time range: A review and comparative evaluation of methods Dr Changsong Zhou  Hong Kong 27/1/2017
科学 -生命 Neuroscience Bulletin Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography Predicts Outcome in Patients with Coma After Acute Brain Injury Dr Guoyi Guo    China 9/6/2018
科学 -生命 Neuroscience Lateral Inhibition is a Neural Mechanism Underlying Mismatch Negativity Dr Feng Gu Hong Kong 12/6/2018
科学 -生命 Neuroscience Responsive Neural Activities in the Primary Visual Cortex of Retina-Degenerated Rats Dr Leanne Chan    Hong Kong 17/5/2018
科学 -医疗 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Virtual reality-based cognitive training for drug abusers: A randomised controlled trial Professor David Man Hong Kong 8/5/2018
科学 -医疗 Neuropsychiatry (London) Broad Impairment of Executive Functions in Patients with Parkinson’s disease: A Meta-Analysis Dr Kanfeng Deng China 1/1/2018
科学 -生命 Neuropharmacology The role of 19S proteasome associated deubiquitinases in activity-dependent hippocampal synaptic plasticity Ms Yinghan Zhuang   China 31/1/2018
科学 -医疗 Neuromuscular Disorders Megaconial congenital muscular dystrophy: same novel homozygous mutation in CHKB gene in two unrelated Chinese patients Dr Sophelia Chan    Hong Kong 4/11/2019
科学 -生命 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Translation of BDNF-gene transcripts with short 3′ UTR in hippocampal CA1 neurons improves memory formation and enhances synaptic plasticity-relevant signaling pathways Ms Man Wang China 6/7/2016
科学 -医疗 Neurochemical Research Probing the Bi-directional Interaction Between Microglia and Gliomas in a Tumor Microenvironment on a Microdevice Dr Aiping Li China 24/2/2017
科学 -生命 Neurochemical Research Resveratrol Boosts Cognitive Function by Targeting SIRT1 Ms Ying Dou China 25/6/2018
科学 -医疗 Neurobiology of Disease Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, prevents chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: Involvement of cytokine modulation and neuroprotection Professor Zhang-Jin Zhang Hong Kong 10/3/2018
科学 -生命 Neurobiology of Aging Fresh evidence for major brain gangliosides as a target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease Professor Eugene Ponomarev Hong Kong 30/1/2019
科学 -生命 Nature Communications Detection of cell-type-specific risk-CpG sites in epigenome-wide association studies Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 15/7/2019
科学 -生命 Nature Communications An integrated genomic regulatory network of virulence-related transcriptional factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Dr Xin Deng Hong Kong 3/7/2019
科学 -医疗 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine Co-delivery of Poria cocos extract and doxorubicin as an ‘all-in-one’ nanocarrier to combat breast cancer multidrug resistance during chemotherapy Professor Yan Shen China 25/10/2019
科学 -生命 Nature Communications Modelling of free-form conformal metasurfaces Dr Qijie Wang China 28/8/2018
科学 -生命 Mycoscience Genetic diversity, core collection and breeding history of Pleurotus ostreatus in China Dr Jing Li China 3/9/2018
科学 -生命 Mycological Progress Two new taxa of the Auriscalpium vulgare species complex with substrate preferences Mr Panmeng Wang China 15/4/2019

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