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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学 -生命 PLOS ONE Interaction between Antibacterial Peptide Apep10 and Escherichia coli Membrane Lipids Evaluated Using Liposome as Pseudo-Stationary Phase Ms Wenting Tang China 4/1/2017
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE Relationship between perceived physical literacy and physical activity levels among Hong Kong adolescents Professor Raymond Kim Hong Kong 27/8/2018
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE Comparison of bilateral and unilateral upper limb training in people with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 23/5/2019
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE The MAndarin spoken word—Picture IDentification test in noise—Adaptive (MAPID-A) measures subtle speech-recognition-in-noise changes and spatial release from masking in very young children Dr. Kevin Yuen Hong Kong 10/1/2019
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE A structural equation model of the relationship between muscle strength, balance performance, walking endurance and community integration in stroke survivors Mr Patrick Kwong Hong Kong 19/10/2017
科学 -医疗 PLoS ONE The reliability and validity of the Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly for assessing fear and activity avoidance among stroke survivors Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 1/4/2019
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE Assessing the fall risks of community-dwelling stroke survivors using the Short-form Physiological Profile Assessment (S-PPA) Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 21/5/2019
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE A novel partial lid for mechanical defeatherers reduced aerosol dispersion during processing of avian influenza virus infected poultry Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 8/5/2019
科学 -医疗 PLOS One Role of fomites in SARS transmission during the largest hospital outbreak in Hong Kong Professor Yuguo Li  Hong Kong 20/7/2017
科学 -医疗 PLOS ONE Human Cough as a Two-Stage Jet and Its Role in Particle Transport Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 3/1/2017
科学 -生命 PLOS Biology  Sequential sampling of visual objects during sustained attention Mr Jianrong Jia China 28/6/2017
科学 -生命 PLOS ONE Antidiabetic activities of polysaccharides separated from Inonotus obliquus via the modulation of oxidative stress in mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes Mr Juan Wang China 29/6/2017
科学 -生命 Planta Multiple Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris 8004 type III effectors inhibit immunity induced by flg22 Mrs. Tongqi Li China 15/10/2020
科学 -生命 Plant Signaling & Behavior Differentially localized rice ethylene receptors OsERS1 and OsETR2 and their potential role during submergence Dr Wing Kin Yip Hong Kong 12/9/2017
科学 -生命 Plant Science Overexpression of Lsi1 in cold-sensitive rice mediates transcriptional regulatory networks and enhances resistance to chilling stress Dr Changxun Fang China 13/6/2017
科学 -生命 Plant Science Lsi1 modulates the antioxidant capacity of rice and protects against ultraviolet-B radiation Dr Changxun Fang China 6/10/2018
科学 -生命 Plant Ecology Biomass partitioning pattern of Rheum tanguticum on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was affected by water-related factors Ms Feng Xiong China 4/3/2021
科学 -生命 Plant Disease First Report of Blue Mold on Sparassis crispa Caused by Penicillium sumatrense in China Ms Xiaomin Li    China 31/8/2018
科学 -生命 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) Phenolic acid production is more effectively enhanced than tanshinone production by methyl jasmonate in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots Dr Yanfang Sun   China 14/3/2018
科学 -生命 Phytomedicine PSORI-CM02 ameliorates psoriasis in vivo and in vitro by inducing autophagy via inhibition of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway Ms Yue Lu China 8/8/2019

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