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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-物理 Physics of Fluids Phase-locking particle image velocimetry measurement of unsteady flow behaviors: Online dynamic mode decomposition using field-programmable gate array Mr Yifan Deng China 2/8/2019
科学-物理 Physics of Fluids Heat transfer enhancement of turbulent channel flow using tandem self-oscillating inverted flags Professor Yingzheng Liu China 20/7/2018
科学-物理 Physics of Fluids Interaction of dual sweeping impinging jets at different Reynolds numbers Professor Xin Wen China 24/10/2018
科学-物理 Physics of Fluids Numerical study on the jet formation of simple-geometry heavy gas inhomogeneities Dr Ben Guan Hong Kong 2/5/2019
科学-物理 Physics Letters B Vector dark matter detection using the quantum jump of atoms Professor Qiaoli Yang China 19/3/2018
科学-物理 Physics Letters A Dual effects of pedestrian density on emergency evacuation Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 12/2/2016
科学-物理 Physical Review Letters Anomalous Phase Shift of Quantum Oscillations in 3D Topological Semimetals Dr Hai-Zhou Lu China 8/10/2016
科学-物理 Physical Review X Towards a Complete Classification of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases for Interacting Fermions in Three Dimensions and a General Group Supercohomology Theory Professor Zheng-Cheng Gu Hong Kong 30/3/2018
科学-物理 Physical Review Fluids Maximum entropy modeling of oxygen vibrational excitation and dissociation Dr Jiaao Hao Hong Kong 13/5/2019
科学-物理 Physical Review B Influence of self-consistent screening and polarizability contractions on interlayer sliding behavior of hexagonal boron nitride Dr Wenbin Gong China 11/1/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Physics of Fluids Vortex-excited acoustic resonance in channel with coaxial side-branches: Vortex dynamics and aeroacoustic energy transfer Professor Yingzheng Liu China 13/12/2018
科学-物理 Physical Review D Sub-MeV bosonic dark matter, misalignment mechanism, and galactic dark matter halo luminosities Professor Qiaoli Yang China 25/4/2017
科学-物理 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Variable electronic properties of lateral phosphorene–graphene heterostructures Dr Xiaoqing Tian China 11/6/2015
科学-物理 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Computational analysis of site differences in selective aliphatic C–H hydroxylation by nonheme iron–oxo complexes Dr Henry Lee Hong Kong 28/4/2017
科学-物理 physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics Thickness and Temperature Dependent Out‐of‐Plane Anisotropy of Amorphous CoSiB Thin Films Professor San-Sheng Wang   China 7/4/2018
科学-物理 Physica Scripta Radiation effects in high-temperature YBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting thin films with low-energy protons for space radiation environments Professor San Sheng Wang China 13/8/2019
科学-物理 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications The time-varying correlation between policy uncertainty and stock returns: Evidence from China Mr Yuxiang Bian  China 19/2/2018
科学-物理 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications A novel grid-based mesoscopic model for evacuation dynamics Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 3/5/2018
计算、数学与统计 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Hot money and China’s stock market volatility: Further evidence using the GARCH–MIDAS model Dr Yu Wei China 20/11/2017
科学-物理 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Jump spillover between oil prices and exchange rates Dr Xiao-Ping Li China 6/12/2017

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