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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-社会 Scientometrics The declining scientific wealth of Hong Kong and Singapore Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 13/7/2018
科学-社会 Security Journal Prison victimization among Taiwanese male inmates: an application of importation, deprivation, and routine activities theories Dr Shih-Ya Kuo Macau 18/9/2019
心理学 School Mental Health Relationships Between School Climate Dimensions and Adolescents’ School Life Satisfaction, Academic Satisfaction and Perceived Popularity Within a Chinese Context Dr Angela Siu Hong Kong 28/1/2017
科学-社会 Resources Policy Unified efficiency of coal mining enterprises in China: An analysis based on meta-frontier non-radial directional distance functions Dr Yijun Zhang China 20/1/2020
科学-社会 SAGE Open The Mediating Role of Sleep Quality in the Relationship Between Personality and Subjective Well-Being Ms Catie Lai Hong Kong 5/2/2018
科学-社会 SAGE Open Predictors and Implications of Synthetic Drug Use Among Adolescents in the Gambling Capital of China Ms Wei Tang Macau 10/11/2017
科学-社会 Research on Social Work Practice East Meets West: Five Decades of Practice Research in Hong Kong Dr. Timothy Sim Hong Kong 30/7/2019
科学-社会 Research on Social Work Practice Applying Mindfulness to Benefit Economically Disadvantaged Families: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr Herman Lo Hong Kong 16/12/2018
科学-社会 Regional Studies Population agglomeration and the effectiveness of enterprise subsidies: a Chinese analysis Professor Kebin Deng China 14/11/2019
科学-社会 Rationality and Society Peasant youth experiences of CEOs, risk aversion and corporate performance Prof. Kebin Deng China 8/5/2020
科学-社会 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property Taking users' rights seriously: proposed UGC solutions for spurring creativity in the Internet age Dr Yahong Li Hong Kong 2/1/2019
科学-社会 Public Management Review Under what conditions do governments collaborate? A qualitative comparative analysis of air pollution control in China Mr. Yao Liu China 2/8/2021
科学-社会 Quality of Life Research Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Subjective Vitality Scale: evidence from Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong Dr Jing-Dong Liu China 9/5/2018
科学-社会 Public Choice “Mao’s last revolution”: a dictator’s loyalty–competence tradeoff Dr Ying Bai    Hong Kong 3/1/2019
科学-社会 Public Administration Review Target Interactions and Target Aspiration Level Adaptation: How Do Government Leaders Tackle the “Environment-Economy” Nexus? Mr Pan Zhang China 13/4/2020
科学-社会 Public Administration Review “Big Tigers, Big Data”: Learning Social Reactions to China's Anticorruption Campaign through Online Feedback Dr Jiangnan Zhu Hong Kong 24/10/2017
科学-社会 Public Administration Review Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis Professor Richard Walker Hong Kong 15/10/2019
心理学 Psychology Research and Behavior Management Cross-cultural validation of the Social Media Disorder scale Dr Simon Fung Hong Kong 8/1/2019
心理学 Psychology of Violence Relationship between peer victimization and reactive–proactive aggression in school children Dr Annis Fung   Hong Kong 25/5/2017
心理学 Psychology & Marketing The underdog trap: The moderating role of transgression type in forgiving underdog brands Dr Kiwan Park    South Korea 27/9/2018

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