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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-社会 Tourism Geographies Is price most important? Healthcare tourism in Southeast Asia Dr Zeng-Xian Liang China 21/9/2017
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Judgmental adjustments in tourism forecasting practice: How good are they? Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 16/11/2018
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Forecasting tourism demand using search query data: A hybrid modelling approach Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 5/8/2019
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Developing a Web-based regional tourism satellite account (TSA) information system Professor Haiyan Song    Hong Kong 17/8/2018
科学-社会 Thinking Skills and Creativity What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy Dr Kelly Ku Hong Kong 13/5/2019
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Introduction to the special issue: Tourism forecasting – New trends and issues Dr Doris Wu China 12/5/2018
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 19/11/2018
科学-社会 Theory and Society Labor-related civil society actors in China: a Gramscian analysis Dr Elaine Hui United States 1/8/2020
心理学 The Spanish Journal of Psychology Association between Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Executive Functioning in Healthy Children Dr Mari Nislin Hong Kong 14/5/2019
科学-社会 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Exploring the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Dr Minjung Roh South Korea 28/7/2018
科学-社会 The Journal of Early Adolescence A Strength-Based Arts and Play Support Program for Young Survivors in Post-Quake China: Effects on Self-Efficacy, Peer Support, and Anxiety Dr Rainbow Ho Hong Kong 19/1/2016
科学-社会 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing Changes in the morbidity prevalence and morbidity-free life expectancy of the elderly population in China from 2000 to 2010 Professor Xiaoting Liu China 19/5/2018
科学-社会 The Journal of Chinese Sociology Dependent or breadwinner? Vietnamese brides reshaping gender roles at the China-Vietnam border Dr Pengli Huang China 31/10/2017
科学-社会 The Journal of Early Adolescence Sleep Quality Types and Their Influences on Psychological and Physical Health in Chinese Adolescents: A Person-Centered Approach Ms Catie Lai Hong Kong 3/11/2019
科学-社会 The Information Society Social constructivist account of the world’s largest gay social app: Case study of Blued in China Dr Weishan Miao China 18/5/2020
科学-社会 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management A retrospective and prospective assessment of the zero-markup drug reform in China from the perspective of policy diffusion Mr Jianwei Deng China 7/10/2018
科学-社会 The Gerontologist Promoting Volunteering Among Older Adults in Hong Kong: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr Da Jiang Hong Kong 22/6/2019
科学-社会 The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work Who Should Be The Case Manager For Persons With Mental Illness? Social Worker, Nurse Or Occupational Therapist? Ms Sylvia Theresa Tong   Hong Kong 1/1/2018
科学-社会 The Design Journal The Value of Design Collaboration in the Fashion Business: A Literature Review Dr Jerry Shen   China 13/9/2017
心理学 The Counseling Psychologist Validation of the Career-Related Parental Support Scale (Chinese Version) Ms Jiahong Zhang Hong Kong 9/12/2019

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