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Arts & Humanities WebinarStyle, Tone And ‘Voice’ In Humanities Writing

18 August 2021 | AsiaEdit

About the webinar

At the core of humanities research is an exploration of human experience and culture. Inevitably, therefore, researchers may wish to express their own “voice” while still conveying an impression of scholarly impartiality. This is a fine line to tread!

In this webinar, we consider the optimal style, tone and register for humanities research, addressing topics such as the grammatical first person and how humour should (and should not!) be used. Finally, we ask whether the distinction between “objectivity” and “subjectivity” really carries much weight in today’s ever more interdisciplinary world of research.

The webinar is about 45 minutes long. The final 10 minutes were set aside for live Q & A.

About our Host:

Louise Woods

Co-Chief Editor and Managing Editor, Arts & Humanities

Louise obtained a Double First-class BA(Hons)/MA in English and an MPhil in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (First-class Honours) from Jesus College, Cambridge, where she subsequently embarked on PhD studies on Renaissance tragic theatre and grammar.

While working on a freelance basis for AsiaEdit, she provided undergraduate teaching, interviewing and examination marking across the Cambridge English Tripos for 15+ colleges of the university. She was appointed Senior Member at Newnham College from 2016 to 2018. In 2019, she took up the full-time role of Senior Editor (Arts and Humanities) at AsiaEdit, followed by that of Managing Editor (Arts and Humanities). She was appointed Co-Chief Editor in November 2020.


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