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Meet The TeamEvan



Life Sciences
Master's Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Evan has a BS in Animal Behaviour from Bucknell University and an MSc in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation from the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven. Although from the United States, his passion for travel and global culture has seen him living in six continents in the past decade, before most recently settling down as an editor, educator, and academic adviser in Málaga, Spain.

In his free time, Evan keeps up to date with ecology research and enjoys outdoor activities, science fiction literature, and incessantly listening to music.

클라이언트의 스케줄, 우리의 주요 관심사 AsiaEdit는 편집과 관련하여 개인적인 접근 방식을 사용합니다.