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성공 사례

클라이언트 소속 대학

우리는 한국, 홍콩, 중국, 더 나아가 아시아와 전 세계에 걸쳐 500개 이상의 대학에 소속된 고객을 위해 편집 서비스를 제공하고 있으며 매일 더 많은 대학이 추가되고 있습니다.

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Hainan University

Hainan University

Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin University of Commerce

Harbin University of Commerce

Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University

Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University

Henan Polytechnic University

Henan Polytechnic University

Henan University of Science and Technology

Henan University of Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

Huazhong Agricultural University

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Hubei University of Economics

Hubei University of Economics

Hubei University

Hubei University

Hunan University

Hunan University

Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics

Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics

Jiangnan University

Jiangnan University

Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Jiaxing University

Jiaxing University

Jilin University

Jilin University

사례 연구

우리의 약속

  • "AsiaEdit has a high standard of language editing, and not only did you improve the grammar, clarity, and flow, but I also gained a reviewer-wise perspective from the editors. I appreciate your time and effort."

    Peihua Wang

    Doctoral Student
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    The University of Hong Kong

  • "Thanks to AsiaEdit for providing professional and timely editing of my thesis, which satisfied my supervisors. The editors also provided details of why certain edits were made when requested."

    Kelvin Tsang

    Doctoral Student
    The Nethersole School of Nursing
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • “I have no hesitation in recommending AsiaEdit for thesis editing services. Their editors suggested good alternative phrasing of my original work but kept the same meaning, which made my thesis more accessible to the assessors. I was very happy with the results.”

    Tommy Lau

    DBA Student
    The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong

  • "Although the cost stretched my budget, the quality of the editing justified the investment. AsiaEdit staff responded quickly to my emails."

    Lily Liu

    Doctoral Student
    The Nethersole School of Nursing
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • “I am very happy to recommend the editing services of AsiaEdit who I used to edit my doctoral thesis. Their services were of very high quality and much appreciated. I was particularly impressed by the patience shown by their editors.”

    Andy Chan

    Doctoral Student
    The Education University of Hong Kong

  • 100% 기밀 유지

    우리는 클라이언트의 지적 재산, 저작권 및 개인 정보를 보호하기 위해 문서의 기밀을 보장합니다. 요청 시 기밀 유지 계약에 서명합니다.

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    우리는 1년 362일 편집 작업을 스케줄하고 시작하며 모든 일정에 맞는 다양한 마감 기한 옵션을 제공합니다. 필요한 경우 밤새 최대 8,000 단어로 구성된 논문을 편집할 수 있습니다.

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    우리는 편집 후에 원고에 수정 사항이 없는 상태로 유지되었지만 영어 관련 문제로 저널에서 원고가 거부되는 경우 무료로 재편집을 제공할 것을 보장합니다.