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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Viewpoint Situating animal ethics in Thai elephant tourism Dr. Qingming Cui  China 10/10/2019
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Is there stability underneath health risk resilience in Hong Kong inbound tourism? Professor Sam Kim  Hong Kong 2/4/2018
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research A comparative study of perceptions of destination advertising according to message appeal and endorsement type Professor Sam Kim  Hong Kong 30/10/2017
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development A family-centred practice supervision project conducted for a child welfare agency Professor Mooly Wong Hong Kong 23/10/2019
Sciences, Social Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Examination of the adoption of augmented reality: a VAM approach Dr Norman Au Hong Kong 21/8/2019
Sciences, Social Asia Europe Journal Logic of the Chinese developmental state and China’s geo-economic engagement with Central and Eastern Europe Dr Weiqing Song Macau 9/2/2019
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy for Pure Victims with Internalizing Problems: An Evidence-based One-year Longitudinal Study Dr Annis Fung Hong Kong 27/7/2017
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Quality Open Space Experiences for the Visually Impaired Ms Jiaxin Xiao Hong Kong 8/4/2019
Sciences, Social Applied Research in Quality of Life Contribution of Wisdom to Well-Being in Chinese Older Adults Dr Esther Chow    Hong Kong 2/7/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research The combination of interval forecasts in tourism Dr Doris Wu China 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Impact of accommodation sharing on tourist attractions Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 31/10/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Forecasting turning points in tourism growth Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 30/7/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Modelling the interdependence of tourism demand: The global vector autoregressive approach Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 8/4/2017
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research The sociogenesis of leisure travel Dr Ksenia Kirillova Hong Kong 1/6/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Density tourism demand forecasting revisited Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research A review of research on tourism demand forecasting: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on tourism demand forecasting Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Estimating willingness to pay air passenger duty Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 14/7/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Commodification and perceived authenticity in commercial homes Dr Honggen Xiao Hong Kong 26/5/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Operations Research A comprehensive multi-objective mixed integer nonlinear programming model for an integrated elderly care service districting problem Professor Lijun Ma China 16/10/2018
Sciences, Social Annals of Tourism Research Tourism productivity and economic growth Dr Doris Wu China 5/1/2019

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