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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social Modern China Elite Power Competition and Corruption Investigation in China: A Case Study Dr Jiangnan Zhu Hong Kong 5/7/2019
Sciences, Social L’Année sociologique Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance: Couples with Egalitarian Practices in their Transition to First-Time Parenthood in Spain Professor M. José González Spain 10/10/2018
Sciences, Social Maritime Policy & Management Effects of the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative on the wine import logistics of China Dr Xiaowen Fu    Australia 28/11/2017
Sciences, Social Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools Revisiting the Cutoff Criteria of Intelligibility in Context Scale–Traditional Chinese Dr Carol To Hong Kong 12/7/2019
Sciences, Social Land Use Policy Estimating the land opportunism of hotel investment in generating real estate appreciation and firms’ market value Dr Shanshan Dai China 30/6/2018
Sciences, Social Land Use Policy Social capital, land tenure and the adoption of green control techniques by family farms: Evidence from Shandong and Henan Provinces of China Professor Yang Gao China 10/1/2019
Sciences, Social Knowledge Risk Management Knowledge Risk Management in Two-Tier HRM Structures Mr M. Shujahat Hong Kong 2/5/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability Public open spaces in private developments in Hong Kong: new spaces for social activities? Dr Francesco Rossini Hong Kong 15/7/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Urban Management Assessing smart infrastructure for sustainable urban development in the Lagos metropolis Mr Oluwole Soyinka Hong Kong 13/1/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Urban Affairs Dancing with shackles? The sociopolitical opportunities, achievements, and dilemmas of cycling activism in Guangzhou, China Dr Hongze Tan Hong Kong 5/9/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Modeling and Forecasting Regional Tourism Demand Using the Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressive (BGVAR) Model Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 14/3/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Understanding Luxury Shopping Destination Preference Using Conjoint Analysis and Traditional Item-Based Measurement Dr Kam Hung Hong Kong 24/3/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Investigation of Luxury Values in Shopping Tourism Using a Fuzzy-Set Approach Professor Sam Kim    Hong Kong 19/12/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Forecasting Tourism Demand with an Improved Mixed Data Sampling Model Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 16/3/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Impact of Lifestyle-Oriented Motivation on Small Tourism Enterprises’ Social Responsibility and Performance Dr Caiping Wang China 10/5/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Pooling in Tourism Demand Forecasting Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 10/5/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research Collaborative Innovation or Opportunistic Behavior? Evidence from the Relational Governance of Tourism Enterprises Dr Xiang Huang China 15/7/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research The Distributional Effect of Events on Rural and Urban Households in China Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 21/9/2016
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel Research An Investigation of the Perceived Value of Shopping Tourism Dr Miju Choi    Hong Kong 20/9/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing  Share the Gaze: representation of destination image on the Chinese social platform WeChat Moments Dr Xiaofei Hao    China 20/2/2018

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