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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Physical Annales Geophysciae Assessing water vapor tomography in Hong Kong with improved vertical and horizontal constraints Dr Pengfei Xia   China 7/9/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Acoustics Precision enhancement in source localization using a double-module, three-dimensional acoustic intensity probe Mr Jung-Han Woo    South Korea 3/8/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy Numerical investigation of dust pollution on a solar photovoltaic (PV) system mounted on an isolated building Dr Hao Lu Hong Kong 29/7/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Air Pollution in Eastern Asia: An Integrated Perspective Photochemical Smog in Southern China: A Synthesis of Observations and Model Investigations of the Sources and Effects of Nitrous Acid Professor Tao Wang Hong Kong 19/8/2017
Sciences, Physical Analyst Visual detection of nucleic acids based on Mie scattering and the magnetophoretic effect Dr. Tinghsuan Chen Hong Kong 20/8/2015
Sciences, Earth & Space Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Temporal and spatial variations of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites Dr May Chui Hong Kong 27/2/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space American Mineralogist Kaolinization of 2:1 type clay minerals with different swelling properties Mr. Shangying Li China 29/4/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design AIAA Journal Flow Control on a Bluff Body Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators Mr Zongnan Chen Hong Kong 27/5/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design AIChE Journal Encapsulation and controlled release of fragrances from functionalized porous metal–organic frameworks Dr Zhuxian Zhou China 25/10/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Advances in Meteorology A New Vortex Initialization Scheme Coupled with WRF-ARW Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 1/3/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Aerosol and Air Quality Research Trend in Fine Sulfate Concentrations and the Associated Secondary Formation Processes at an Urban Site in North China Dr Xinfeng Wang China 17/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Aerospace Science and Technology Non-cooperative maneuvering spacecraft tracking via a variable structure estimator Dr Zhai Guang    China 31/5/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design AIAA Journal Oscillations of Leading-Edge Vortex Breakdown Locations over a Delta Wing Mr Lu Shen Hong Kong 29/4/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Advances in Structural Engineering New extended grillage methods for the practical and precise modeling of concrete box-girder bridges Mr. Yuan Sun   China 12/6/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics Advanced Science Letters Adopting Information and Communication Technology in Green Supply Chain Management Dr Jeff Yeung Hong Kong 7/1/2018
Sciences, Physical Advanced Science All‐Metal‐Organic Framework‐Derived Battery Materials on Carbon Nanotube Fibers for Wearable Energy‐Storage Device Dr Yagang Yao China 10/11/2018
Sciences, Physical Advances in Space Research Assessing the latest performance of Galileo-only PPP and the contribution of Galileo to Multi-GNSS PPP Mr Fengyu Xia China 28/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Advances in Structural Engineering A three-dimensional method for the simulation of temperature fields induced by solar radiation Dr Qi Li China 28/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Advances in Ergonomics in Design Design Ergonomics for Human Beings and Wild Animals in Densely Populated Cities: A Design Case in Hong Kong Country Parks Professor Michael Siu Hong Kong 6/4/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Advances in Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design Importance of Involving Children in Designing Recycling Facilities: A Case Study of Hong Kong Children Collecting and Recycling Recyclables Dr Elaine Wong Hong Kong 6/11/2019

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