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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Influence of natural ventilation rate on indoor PM2.5 deposition Professor Chun Chen Hong Kong 22/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Physical factors that affect microbial transfer during surface touch Dr Pengcheng Zhao Hong Kong 5/3/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Effect of city shape on urban wind patterns and convective heat transfer in calm and stable background conditions Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 25/7/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Development and experimental validation of a mathematical model for the irradiance of in-duct ultraviolet germicidal lamps Dr Alvin Lai China 2/5/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Evaluation of a multi-nodal thermal regulation model for assessment of outdoor thermal comfort: Sensitivity to wind speed and solar radiation Ms Yongxin Xie    Hong Kong 2/2/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Equilibrium of particle distribution on surfaces due to touch Mr Pengcheng Zhao Hong Kong 20/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Experimental and modeling study of pressure drop across electrospun nanofiber air filters Professor Chun Chen Hong Kong 15/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Urban heat island circulations of an idealized circular city as affected by background wind speed Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 20/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Experimental evaluation of positive and negative air ions disinfection efficacy under different ventilation duct conditions Dr Alvin Lai China 15/5/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment The influence of aspect ratios and wall heating conditions on flow and passive pollutant exposure in 2D typical street canyons Mr. Wang Qun Hong Kong 14/11/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Characterizing dynamic transmission of contaminants on a surface touch network Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 15/12/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Application of a multi-variable optimization method to determine lift-up design for optimum wind comfort Professor Cheuk Ming Mak  Hong Kong 1/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Model development of heat/mass transfer for internally cooled dehumidifier concerning liquid film shrinkage shape and contact angles Mr Chuanshuai Dong Hong Kong 12/7/2016
Computing, Maths & Statistics Behaviour & Information Technology The impact of psychological climate on employees’ innovative use of information systems: The moderating role of goal orientation Dr Yuanyuan Guo China 19/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Building and Environment Revisit of prevailing practice guidelines and investigation of topographical treatment techniques in CFD-Based air ventilation assessments Dr. Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 12/5/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics Behaviour & Information Technology Understanding undergraduates’ problems from determinants of Facebook continuance intention Dr Kan-Min Lin Taiwan 5/11/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design BMC Chemical Engineering Incorporation of Cu3BTC2 nanocrystals to increase the permeability of polymeric membranes in O2/N2 separation Professor Tae-Hyun Bae Singapore 30/1/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Biotechnology & Bioengineering Outline-etching image segmentation reveals enhanced cell chirality through intercellular alignment Dr Miu Ling Lam Hong Kong 30/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Bioresource Technology Magnetic biochar for environmental remediation: A review Dr. Eric Tsang Hong Kong 21/11/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Bioresource Technology Performance and bacterial community of moving bed biofilm reactors with various biocarriers treating primary wastewater effluent with a low organic strength and low C/N ratio Professor Xiao-yan Li Hong Kong 5/4/2019

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