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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Physical Environmental science: Nano Cellulose nanofibrils anchored Ag on graphitic carbon nitride for efficient photocatalysis under visible light Professor Yiqiang Wu China 26/7/2018
Sciences, Physical Environmental Science and Technology Response to Comment on “Rapid Selective Circumneutral Degradation of Phenolic Pollutants Using Peroxymonosulfate–Iodide Metal-Free Oxidation: Role of Iodine Atoms” Dr Kaimin Shih   Hong Kong 8/2/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science and Pollution Research Graywater treatment technologies and reuse of reclaimed water for toilet flushing Dr Xueli Ren China 18/5/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science and Pollution Research Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations in peri-urban soils in eastern China Ms Shoujuan Li China 16/11/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science and Pollution Research Co-contamination of antibiotics and metals in peri-urban agricultural soils and source identification Mr Fangkai Zhao China 10/3/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Letters Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Trophic Transfer of Oligomeric Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in an Aquatic Environment Dr Fanrong Zhao China 17/5/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science and Pollution Research Effect of solvent on debromination of decabromodiphenyl ether by Ni/Fe nanoparticles and nano zero-valent iron particles Dr Eric Tsang Hong Kong 21/8/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Incorporation of Cadmium and Nickel into Ferrite Spinel Solid Solution: X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Analyses Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 19/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Visualized Networking of Co-Regulated Lipids in Human Blood Based on High-Throughput Screening Data: Implications for Exposure Assessment Dr Yi Wan China 2/11/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Evaluating a Tap Water Contamination Incident Attributed to Oil Contamination by Nontargeted Screening Strategies Dr Yi Wan China 2/10/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Intrinsic Clearance of Xenobiotic Chemicals by Liver Microsomes: Assessment of Trophic Magnification Potentials Dr Wan Yi China 5/6/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology “New” Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry Reshapes the Relationship of Ozone to Its Precursors Mr Qinyi Li  Hong Kong 2/6/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Screening of Chlorinated Paraffins and Unsaturated Analogues in Commercial Mixtures: Confirmation of Their Occurrences in the Atmosphere Dr Yi Wan China 25/1/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology High-Resolution Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Virome in Wastewater Treatment Systems Mr Yulin Wang Hong Kong 27/8/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Persistent Heavy Winter Nitrate Pollution Driven by Increased Photochemical Oxidants in Northern China Prof. Tao Wang China 3/3/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology In Situ Visualization of Concentration Polarization during Membrane Ultrafiltration Using Microscopic Laser-Induced Fluorescence Professor Xiao-yan Li Hong Kong 29/1/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Visualized Metabolic Disorder and Its Chemical Inducer in Wild Crucian Carp from Taihu Lake, China Dr. Wan Yi China 24/2/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Derivatization for Nontargeted Screening of Acids in Oilfield Refinery Wastewater: Identification and Behaviors of Recalcitrant Chlorinated Naphthenic Acids Dr Yi Wan China 16/12/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Trophodynamics of Emerging Brominated Flame Retardants in the Aquatic Food Web of Lake Taihu: Relationship with Organism Metabolism across Trophic Levels Dr Yi Wan China 4/2/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Effect of Nitrogen Oxides on Elemental Mercury Removal by Nanosized Mineral Sulfide Dr Kaimin Shih    Hong Kong 29/6/2017

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