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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) Order Exponential Evaluation Model for Road Traffic Safety in City Clusters Professor SC Wong Hong Kong 16/7/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Geodesy ERTK: extra-wide-lane RTK of triple-frequency GNSS signals Professor Bofeng Li    China 23/2/2017
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics The re-initiation mechanism of detonation diffraction in a weakly unstable gaseous mixture Dr Chih Yung Wen Hong Kong 21/5/2020
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Formation of drops and rings in double-diffusive sedimentation Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 17/12/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Drag reduction in turbulent flows along a cylinder by streamwise-travelling waves of circumferential wall velocity Dr Wei-Xi Huang    China 1/7/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Sciences Strong ozone production at a rural site in the North China Plain: Mixed effects of urban plumesand biogenic emissions Professor Likun Xue China 24/5/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Management Optimizing surface and contributing areas of bioretention cells for stormwater runoff quality and quantity management Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 16/12/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Management Effects of storage environment on the moisture content and microbial growth of food waste Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 3/8/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Management Temporal variations in water quality in a brackish tidal pond: Implications for governing processes and management strategies Dr May Chui Hong Kong 2/11/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Management Integrated hydro-environmental impact assessment and alternative selection of low impact development practices in small urban catchments Dr May Chui Hong Kong 20/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Data-driven construction of a reduced-order model for supersonic boundary layer transition Dr Wei-Xi Huang Hong Kong 15/7/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Fluid Mechanics Numerical study of convective sedimentation through a sharp density interface Dr Yi-Ju Chou Taiwan 7/6/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Environmental Engineering Water-Quality Prediction Using Multimodal Support Vector Regression: Case Study of Jialing River, China Dr Xuejiao Li China 8/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Electronic Packaging  Development of a High Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Model for Thin Film Silicon Structures Mr Chia Cheng Chang    Taiwan 26/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Engineering Design Transparency in product design: investigating design intentions and consumers’ interpretations Ms Peiyao Cheng Hong Kong 29/8/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Earth System Science An attribute recognition model to predict the groundwater potential of sandstone aquifers in coal mines Dr Shouqiao Shi China 13/3/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Earthquake Engineering Seismic Performance to Emergency Centers, Communication and Hospital Facilities Subjected to Nepal Earthquakes, 2015 Dr Hao Chen China 30/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Electronic Imaging Dual-codebook learning and hierarchical transfer for cross-view action recognition Professor Jianhuang Lai China 8/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Design, Business & Society Facilitating Design to Engage in Social Behaviour Change for Environmental Benefit Mr Satyakam Sharma Hong Kong 10/1/2017
Computing, Maths & Statistics Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bitcoin price prediction using machine learning: An approach to sample dimension engineering Dr Zheshi Chen China 13/8/2019

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