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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Physical Macromolecules Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells Based on Conjugated Polymer Containing an Alkoxylated Imide-Functionalized Benzotriazole Unit Dr Lei Ying    China 10/5/2017
Sciences, Physical Macromolecular Rapid Communications Asymmetric Alkyl Side‐Chain Engineering of Naphthalene Diimide‐Based n‐Type Polymers for Efficient All‐Polymer Solar Cells Dr Lei Ying    China 13/2/2018
Sciences, Physical Macromolecular Rapid Communications An Open‐Circuit Voltage and Power Conversion Efficiency Study of Fullerene Ternary Organic Solar Cells Based on Oligomer/Oligomer and Oligomer/Polymer Dr Lei Ying   China 5/9/2017
Sciences, Physical Macromolecular Rapid Communications A Temperature‐Controlled, Conductive PANI@CNFs/MEO2MA/PEGMA Hydrogel for Flexible Temperature Sensors Professor Yiqiang Wu China 23/3/2018
Sciences, Physical LWT Optimization of fermentation conditions and comparison of flavor compounds for three fermented greengage wines Dr Jian Lu China 15/11/2017
Sciences, Physical LWT Acoustic intensity in ultrasound field and ultrasound-assisted gelling of surimi Dr Hao Zhang China 8/10/2016
Sciences, Physical LWT Dielectric loss mediated promotion of microwave heating in the Maillard reaction Professor Daming Fan    China 23/11/2018
Sciences, Physical LWT Rheological and mechanical behavior of milk protein composite gel for extrusion-based 3D food printing Mr David Liu China 18/12/2018
Sciences, Physical Langmuir Multiform Sulfur Adsorption Centers and Copper-Terminated Active Sites of Nano-CuS for Efficient Elemental Mercury Capture from Coal Combustion Flue Gas Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 7/8/2018
Sciences, Physical Langmuir Highly Ordered and Multiple-Responsive Graphene Oxide/Azoimidazolium Surfactant Intercalation Hybrids: A Versatile Control Platform Dr Changxu Lin China 3/2/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Maritime Engineering  Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance Dr Xiaowen Fu    Australia 21/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Lab on a Chip Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beating cardiac tissues on paper Professor Jianhua Qin China 18/9/2015
Sciences, Physical Lab on a Chip Nanofiber membrane supported lung-on-a-chip microdevice for anti-cancer drug testing Dr Xinghua Gao    China 1/3/2018
Sciences, Physical Lab on a Chip In situ differentiation and generation of functional liver organoids from human iPSCs in a 3D perfusable chip system Ms Yaqing Wang China 16/10/2018
Sciences, Physical Journal of Visualized Experiments Experimental Investigation of the Flow Structure over a Delta Wing Via Flow Visualization Methods Mr. Zongnan Chen    Hong Kong 23/4/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Landscape and Urban Planning Using Google Street View to investigate the association between street greenery and physical activity Dr Yi Lu Hong Kong 28/9/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of visualization  Near-field interaction of an inclined jet with a crossflow: LIF visualization and TR-PIV measurement Professor Yingzheng Liu   China 30/6/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Turbomachinery Flow Structures and Unsteady Behaviors of Film Cooling from Discrete Holes Fed by Internal Crossflow Prof. Wenwu Zhou China 3/11/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Visualization Measurement of unsteady flow structures in a low-speed wind tunnel using continuous wave laser-based TR-PIV: near wake behind a circular cylinder Professor Yingzheng Liu    China 9/1/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Journal of Transportation Safety & Security A Two-Step quantile selection model for the safety analysis at signalized intersections Professor SC Wong Hong Kong 20/11/2018

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