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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Business Administration & Economics Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory How a Shared Auditor Affects Firm-Pair Comparability: Implications of Both Firm and Individual Audit Styles Dr. yuanyuan Liu China 1/3/2020
Business Administration & Economics Asian and Pacific Migration Journal The Labor Contract Law and the economic integration of rural migrants in urban China Ms. Yuling Wu China 9/2/2021
Business Administration & Economics Academy of Management Journal Customer Concentration, Executive Attention, and Firm Search Behavior Dr. Weiguo Zhong China 27/10/2021
Sciences, Social Journal of Chinese Sociology Cadre parents and their entrepreneur children? The dual-track intergenerational reproduction of elites in China: 1978–2010 Dr. Xiaoguang Fan China 15/9/2021
Sciences, Social Social Science Computer Review When Relationships Meet Situations: Exploring the Antecedents of Employee Communication Behaviors on Social Media Dr. Yuan Wang Hong Kong 12/2/2020
Sciences, Physical Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical An electrochromic alarm system for smart contact lenses Mr. Moobum Kim Singapore 17/7/2020
Sciences, Physical Aerosol Science and Technology Deposition of droplets from the trachea or bronchus in the respiratory tract during exhalation: A steady-state numerical investigation Dr. Jianjian Wei China 12/6/2020
Sciences, Physical Acta Chromatographica Rapid measurement of anticoagulant rodenticides in human blood and urine using online turbulent flow chromatography coupled with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry Mr. Li Fang China 29/10/2020
Sciences, Medical Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Macromolecular proton fraction mapping based on spin-lock magnetic resonance imaging Prof. Weitian Chen Hong Kong 6/7/2020
Sciences, Medical Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Comprehensive analysis of the associations between previous pregnancy failures and blastocyst aneuploidy as well as pregnancy outcomes after PGT-A Ms. Tianxiang Ni China 26/2/2020
Sciences, Medical European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Safety of early discharge with a chest tube after pulmonary segmentectomy Dr. Feichao Bao China 1/4/2020
Sciences, Medical Current Opinion in Psychiatry The journal Current Opinion in Psychiatry and its impact on mental health in China Prof. Gabor Ungvari Australia 1/5/2020
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Fostering gerontology students’ competence in Interprofessional collaborative practice Dr. Janita Chau Hong Kong 27/10/2020
Sciences, Medical Clinical Rehabilitation Association of subsequent falls with evidence of dual-task interference while walking in community-dwelling individuals after stroke Prof. Marco Pang Hong Kong 27/4/2020
Sciences, Life NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics Dimensionality reduction for single cell RNA sequencing data using constrained robust non-negative matrix factorization Dr. Shuqin Zhang China 28/8/2020
Sciences, Life Journal of Ginseng Research 20(S)-protopanaxadiol and oleanolic acid ameliorate cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by enhancing hippocampal neurogenesis Kaili Lin China 16/7/2020
Sciences, Life Food & Function Tomato seed oil attenuates hyperlipidemia and modulates gut microbiota in C57BL/6J mice Dr. Wen Sen He China 13/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Management Transformation of pollution control and green development: Evidence from China's chemical industry Dr. Yijun Zhang China 25/8/2020
Sciences, Life Aquaculture Research Shelter selection by juvenile Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) as a function of food distribution and water flow velocity Dr. Junxue Mei China 8/7/2020
Sciences, Physical Environmental Pollution Ecotoxicological effects of erythromycin on a multispecies biofilm model, revealed by metagenomic and metabolomic approaches☆ Dr. Olivier Habimana Hong Kong 11/2/2021

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