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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social English World-Wide Lexical bundles in conversation across Englishes. What can core and peripheral bundles reveal? Dr Gavin Bui Hong Kong 24/9/2019
Sciences, Social English for Specific Purposes Pragmatic force modifiers in English-medium master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Dr Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 26/12/2019
Psychology Educational Psychology Job characteristics and teacher well-being: the mediation of teacher self-monitoring and teacher self-efficacy Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 1/11/2019
Psychology Educational Psychology Academic dishonesty among Hong Kong secondary school students: application of theory of planned behaviour Dr Ming-Tak Hue    Hong Kong 21/3/2018
Sciences, Social Economics of Transition and Institutional Change How does historical trauma affect political participation? Evidence from the send‐down movement in China Dr Xinzheng Shi China 7/3/2019
Sciences, Social East Asian Pragmatics The use of utterance particles as assessment resources in Cantonese conversation Professor Ricardo Moutinho Macau 11/12/2019
Sciences, Social Early View Antecedents and Consequences of Creativity in Teams: When and How Leader Humility Promotes Performance via Team Creativity Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 25/4/2019
Sciences, Social Early Child Development and Care Early technology education in China: A case study of Shanghai Dr Jiayi Weng Hong Kong 14/11/2018
Sciences, Social Diversity in Harmony  CiteSpace Visualizations of Studies on Tai Chi Practice and Mental Health Dr Buxin Han    China 8/10/2018
Psychology Developmental Neuropsychology Explicit Aiming Strategy Decreases the Differences in Visuomotor Adaptation between Children and Young Adults Dr Kanfeng Deng China 10/12/2019
Sciences, Social Demographic Research  Not a zero-sum game: Migration and child well-being in contemporary China Dr Zhouni Zhang   Hong Kong 22/2/2018
Sciences, Social Democratization Chinese influence, U.S. linkages, or neither? Comparing regime changes in Myanmar and Thailand Dr Mathew Wong    Hong Kong 16/10/2018
Sciences, Social Current Sociology Husband-to-wife sexual coercion in cross-border marriage: A relationship power perspective Dr. Adam Cheung Hong Kong 3/11/2019
Psychology Current Psychology The influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between professional identity and burnout: A study of student teachers in Western China Mr. Ming Hui Lu China 12/11/2019
Sciences, Social Current Issues in Tourism Investment valuation of natural tourist attractions under the uncertainty of multiple unexpected events: an ROV method Dr Xiang Huang China 7/6/2019
Sciences, Social Current Issues in Tourism Dissecting Chinese adolescents’ overseas educational travel experiences: movements, representations and practices Dr Ksenia Kirillova Hong Kong 23/2/2017
Sciences, Social Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Green Innovation Strategy and Green Innovation: The Roles of Green Creativity and Green Organizational Identity Professor Hongyan Yu  China 17/8/2017
Sciences, Social Corporate Governance It's a family affair: How social identification influences family CEO compensation Professor Miriam Flickinger Germany 14/4/2021
Sciences, Social Cornell Hospitality Quarterly When Do Frontline Hospitality Employees Take Charge? Prosocial Motivation, Taking Charge, and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy Dr Zhenyao Cai China 9/4/2018
Sciences, Social Contemporary Politics European Union’s construction of international identity via strategic partnerships: associating and social distancing Dr Weiqing Song Macau 7/9/2018

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