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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social Journal of Environmental Management Industrial policy, energy and environment efficiency: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data Dr Yijun Zhang China 21/1/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Convention & Event Tourism A framework of environmental mitigation for the convention and exhibition centers in the China greater Bay area Dr Barry Mak Hong Kong 1/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Divorce & Remarriage A Qualitative Study of Parents’ and Children’s Views on Mediation Professor Mooly Wong Hong Kong 1/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Heritage Soft Power in East Asia’s Memory Contests: Promoting and Objecting to Dissonant Heritage in UNESCO Dr Ryoko Nakano Japan 30/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China China and the European Union’s Participation in Conflict Resolution: Norm Dynamics, Convergence and Divergence in Foreign Policy Dr Weiqing Song Macau 9/11/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China Top-Level Design and Fragmented Decision-Making: A Case Study of an SOE Merger in China’s High-Speed Rail Industry Dr Dongya Huang China 22/8/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary China Should We Have a Second Child? Reproductive Decisions and Family Negotiation under China’s Two-child Policy Dr. Yinni Peng Hong Kong 23/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Asia Work and Family Life among Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam Dr Kaxton Siu Hong Kong 14/10/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Contemporary Asia Reflecting on Social Movement Unionism in Hong Kong: The Case of the Dockworkers’ Strike in 2013 Dr Chris Chan Hong Kong 28/3/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice A Comparative Analysis of Expert Advisors’ Role Perceptions in Policymaking: The Case of Hong Kong, China Professor Wei Li Hong Kong 18/12/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice Assessing Information-based Policy Tools: An Eye-Tracking Laboratory Experiment on Public Information Posters Prof. Richard Walker Hong Kong 6/11/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Communication Disorders Speech sound disorders or differences: Insights from bilingual children speaking two Chinese languages Dr Carol To Hong Kong 23/9/2017
Psychology Journal of Clinical Psychology The effect of positive and negative memory bias on anxiety and depression symptoms among adolescents. Professor Samuel Ho Hong Kong 28/2/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Holistic Tourism: A New Norm of the Industry Professor Bihu Wu China 28/11/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research  Entrepreneurial Motivation and Destination Evolution Dr Sha Wang    China 4/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Impacts of Work–Family Conflict on Female Hospitality Employees’ Job Outcomes Professor Yun Yang China 21/8/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Factors that Influence Potential Green Hotel Customers’ Decision-making Process – Evidence from China Mr Yang Jiang China 16/1/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Investigating Destination Loyalty through Tourist Attraction Personality and Loyalty Dr. Frances Weng Hang Kong Macau 16/12/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Gender and Emotion in Tourism: Do Men and Women Tour Leaders Differ in Their Performance of Emotional Labor? Dr Catherine Cheung   Hong Kong 24/9/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of China Tourism Research Analyzing Attributes of the Spa Service Experience: Perceptions of Spa-Goers Traveling to Hong Kong Professor Deniz Kucukusta Hong Kong 17/9/2018

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