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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Improvement of signal-to-noise ratio in photothermal microscopy by optimizing detection aperture Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 1/5/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Particulate Science and Technology Influences of combustion improver content and motionless time on the stability of two-phase emulsions Dr Cherng-Yuan Lin Taiwan 14/9/2016
Sciences, Physical Optics Communications Experimental evaluation of temperature increase and associated detection sensitivity in shot noise-limited photothermal microscopy Dr Jun Miyazaki Japan 13/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optics and Lasers in Engineering Non-iterative denoising algorithm based on a dual threshold for a 3D point cloud Dr Xuelian Liu China 11/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Engineering Superpixel-based video saliency detection via the fusion of spatiotemporal saliency and temporal coherency Dr. Yandi Li    China 8/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Engineering Quality optimization and control technology for a full field-of-view imaging surface using a stationary phase method and an ambiguity function method Professor Xuemin Cheng China 3/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Optical Design and Testing VIII Development of the stabilized zoom system based on the deformable mirror Professor Xuemin Cheng China 29/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Probabilistic approach for collision risk analysis of powered vessel with offshore platforms Dr Jung Kwan Seo   South Korea 13/2/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Safety-zone layout design for a floating LNG-Fueled power plant in bunkering process Prof. Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 12/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering An empirical formula for predicting the collapse strength of composite cylindrical-shell structures under external pressure loads Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 12/8/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Efficient water deluge nozzles arrangement on offshore installations for the suppression of pool fires Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 9/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering A probabilistic approach to determine design loads for collision between an offshore supply vessel and offshore installations Professor Jeom Kee Paik Korea 1/11/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Proposed formulas for evaluation of the equivalent material properties of a multiholed structure Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 6/7/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean Dynamics Controls on the interannual variability of hypoxia in a subtropical embayment and its adjacent waters in the Guangdong coastal upwelling system, northern South China Sea Dr Heng Zhang China 6/7/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean & Coastal Management Importance of large-scale coastal circulation on bay-shelf exchange and residence time in a subtropical embayment, the northern South China Sea Dr Heng Zhang China 16/11/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Ocean & Coastal Management Plume-to-plume interactions in the Pearl River Delta in winter Dr Wenping Gong China 4/11/2019
Sciences, Physical Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section A Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Dr Zhixin Tan China 2/10/2018
Sciences, Physical npj Materials Degradation Modeling the effect of insoluble corrosion products on pitting corrosion kinetics of metals Professor San-Qiang Shi Hong Kong 26/7/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Ocean Engineering Three-dimensional ventilated supercavity on a maneuvering trajectory Dr Wang Zou China 29/6/2016
Sciences, Physical Nonmagnetic and Magnetic Quantum Dots Biomolecule-Conjugated Quantum Dot Nanosensors as Probes for Cellular Dynamic Events in Living Cells Professor Jung Huang  Taiwan 4/4/2018

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