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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Business Administration & Economics Academy of Management Effects of Family Social Capital on Career Advancement: Exploring the Mechanisms Ms Chang Su Hong Kong 8/1/2019
Business Administration & Economics International Journal of Management Practice Does the potential for developing new technology lead to successful technology transfer commercialisation? The case of public R&D outputs in Korea Dr Woojin Yoon South Korea 11/4/2016
Sciences, Social Women and Birth Perceptions of paternal involvement and labour pain management in Chinese couples during childbirth: A qualitative study Dr Vivian Ngai Hong Kong 25/3/2020
Sciences, Social Work & Stress Leadership behaviour and leader self-reported well-being: A review, integration and meta-analytic examination Ms Antonia Kaluza Germany 20/5/2019
Sciences, Social Waste Management & Research Estimation of willingness-to-pay for the MSW disposal system by choice experiment approach: A case study of Taiwan Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 2/8/2019
Sciences, Social Water Policy Simulation of water scarcity in a leap-forward developing arid region: a system dynamics model of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Dr Shanshan Dai China 25/3/2017
Sciences, Social VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations Professionalization and Cost Efficiency of Fundraising in Charitable Organizations: The Case of Charitable Foundations in China Dr Na Ni Hong Kong 18/8/2016
Sciences, Social Verge: Studies in Global Asias “Wings of the New Japan”: Kamikaze, Kimonos, and Airline Branding in Postwar Japan Professor Yoshiko Nakano Hong Kong 1/1/2018
Sciences, Social Travel Behaviour and Society Urban greenery, active school transport, and body weight among Hong Kong children Dr. Yi Lu Hong Kong 3/12/2020
Sciences, Social Urban Studies Beyond unemployment: Informal employment and heterogeneous motivations for participating in street vending in present-day China Dr Gengzhi Huang China 9/7/2017
Sciences, Social Travel Behaviour and Society Big data and travel behaviour Professor Sylvia He Hong Kong 27/12/2017
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Perspectives Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-based assessment of the value of non-World Heritage Tulou: A case study of Pinghe County, Fujian Province Professor Hang Ma China 21/3/2018
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Perspectives Street art as alternative attractions: A case of the East Side Gallery Dr Libo Yan Macau 11/10/2018
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Using a heuristic algorithm to design a personalized day tour route in a time-dependent stochastic environment Dr Zhixue Liao China 4/7/2018
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Wellness tourism and spatial stigma: A case study of Bama, China Ms. Ke Wang China 22/11/2019
Sciences, Social Tourism Management A mathematical model for tourism potential assessment Dr Libo Yan Macau 17/7/2017
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Tourist misbehavior: Psychological closeness to fellow consumers and informal social control Professor Michael Hui Hong Kong 17/11/2020
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Does tourism support supply-side structural reform in China? Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 24/10/2018
Sciences, Social Tourism Management Land expropriation in tourism development: Residents' attitudinal change and its influencing mechanism Ms Meiling Dai China 8/1/2019
Sciences, Social Tourism Management The economic impact of on-screen tourism: The case of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 12/7/2016

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