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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity The Korean Wave in the Middle East: Past and Present Dr Mohamed Elaskary South Korea 25/10/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management The impact of modular design and innovation on new product performance: The role of product newness Dr Hongyi Sun Hong Kong 12/11/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Marketing Management The Internet of Things and interaction style: the effect of smart interaction on brand attachment Professor Jintao Wu China 22/9/2016
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Improving radical innovation in China’s manufacturing firms: A resource management-based interpretation of social ties and firm capabilities Dr Hao Shen China 17/6/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Management Studies When a Sinner Does a Good Deed: The Path‐Dependence of Reputation Repair Professor Sonia Wong Hong Kong 9/7/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Management & Organization The effect of team emotional intelligence on team process and effectiveness Professor Chi Sum Wong Hong Kong 24/7/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Management & Organization The curvilinear relationship between team familiarity and team innovation: A secondary data analysis Ms Yuhan Zuo China 2/1/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Management Received Respect and Constructive Voice: The Roles of Proactive Motivation and Perspective Taking Professor Thomas Ng Hong Kong 3/4/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Knowledge Management Knowledge management and professional experience: the uneasy dynamics between tacit knowledge and performativity in organizations Dr Andrew Chan    Hong Kong 7/10/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Knowledge Management Value creation through big data application process management: the case of the oil and gas industry Dr Muhammad Shujahat Hong Kong 29/8/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Money and Finance Sudden stops, financial frictions, and the banking sector Dr Jinyue Li    Hong Kong 21/6/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money Anti-misconduct policies, corporate governance and capital market responses: International evidence Dr Zhenyu Wu Canada 21/12/2016
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money Family involvement and family firm internationalization: The moderating effects of board experience and geographical distance Dr Zhenyu Wu Canada 19/12/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Management Outbound Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Motivation and Domestic Employment by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) Professor Shige Makino Hong Kong 13/12/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Economics International business cycles and financial frictions Professor Wen Yao China 18/3/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting Market Risk Disclosures and Investment Efficiency: International Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council Financial Firms Dr Grantley Taylor Australia 15/10/2016
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Business Studies Cross-border acquisitions: Do labor regulations affect acquirer returns? Prof. Lin Chen Hong Kong 25/11/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Business Studies Import-based market experience and firms’ exit from export markets Dr Eliane Choquette Denmark 12/4/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Business Studies Home and foreign host country IFRS adoption and cross-delisting Dr Albert Tsang Hong Kong 14/1/2020
Business Administration & Economics Journal of International Business Studies Global connectedness and dynamic green capabilities in MNEs Dr. Shipeng Yan Hong Kong 24/10/2019

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